Player 1 |
#player1 Mina Mina
#player2 Ben_Schoenbrun Ben Schoenbrun
>Mina: AACEEOU -AAEOU +0 0
#note Surprising. I chose to keep CE as the strongest possible leave here, but Quackle says that keeping ACE is 0.9 point better. I swear I've learned that keeping two vowels and a consonant, even when they have synergy, like AES, is not the right thing to do. And when you see how many vowel-heavy racks I draw over the course of this game....
>Ben_Schoenbrun: GMPRU 8H GRUMP +26 26
>Mina: ACEEGOS K8 .AGE +14 14
#note Now of course I saw that keeping ACES was better than keeping CEOS, but MOGE* isn't a word. Quackle prefers O(M)EGA, on the understanding that CES is a stronger leave than ACES, followed by any number of plays that keep ACES, such as GEO and EGO, which I should have considered. -3.3
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ?ADRTTT 11E TiTRAT.D +66 92
>Mina: CEFOORS 12C COOF +24 38
#note Wow, an elegant bingo was available, SOF(T)CORE! Failing that, COOF is next-best.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AINZ 10I ZI.AN +35 127
>Mina: ?DEGRSW 12L DREW +34 72
#note Considered the phony WEDGeRS, glad I didn't try it. Surprisingly, SWeDGER is a word instead. Failing that, DREW is indeed the next-highest-simming option.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ACEINST N5 CINEAST. +82 209
>Mina: ?AGOSVV -GVV +0 72
#note Surprisingly, Quackle doesn't like exchanging here. It prefers 13I VOGS or GOVS or VAGS or VAVS. Bizarrely VAVS sims only fourth-best even though it dumps both V's and scores more: how can a leave of AV? or OV? be better than a leave of GO? on this board? Quackle says my win percentage is under 5% no matter what I do, confirming my intuition that this game is just plain over.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: HNO O6 NOH +37 246
>Mina: ?AENORS H1 StONERA. +77 149
>Ben_Schoenbrun: IPQU 5D PIQU. +32 278
>Mina: AEEHOOU O12 .HOA +30 179
#note Terrible drawing resumes. Quack prefers 13C HOE or HOO, maybe because it creates a bingo lane on row 14 that is easier to use than the lanes that WHOA creates. -3.9
>Ben_Schoenbrun: BBIJ 1D JIBB. +24 302
>Mina: AEELOOU F5 .UALE +16 195
#note Perforce keeping four vowels, I draw two more vowels. Quack prefers 4A OLEO, presumably as it creates lanes that my play doesn't.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: TUX 4C TUX +37 339
>Mina: EEINOOR N14 OE +10 205
#note Keeping three vowels, I draw two more vowels. OE at I3 sims best followed by 2C OO.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: GILNSV 3G L.VINGS +32 371
#note He does the right thing by taking out the best remaining bingo lanes.
>Mina: EILMNOR C9 MIN.E +24 229
#note Quackle still seems to be grooming for a bingo, by favoring 2A LIMO keeping ENR (win percentage 0.25%). MINCE sets up (MINCE)D, MINCER, or MINCES with two D's, an R, and an S unseen.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ADERY 2B READY +61 432
#note I didn't exactly need that. Especially with the B's for BREADY gone.
>Mina: EEFLORT L1 FO.LE +26 255
#note Sims second-best after 14A FORTE, which doesn't seem like a wise fork since one of its "legs" is much more profitable than the other.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EEKW B7 WEEK +41 473
#note Pounding the nails in.
>Mina: EIORTVY 14A VERITY +50 305
#note Sims best; how could it not.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ADIILS A4 ILIAD +35 508
#note 15D SIALID is a word!
>Mina: O F14 .O +5 310
>Mina: (S) +2 312