Player 1 |
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Matt Matt
>Mack: ANPSSUV H7 VAU +12 12
#note Liked this over VAUS to avoid telegraphing the S and make the board very S-dependent, but NPSS may be too consonant-heavy to justify it. They sim neck and neck.
>Matt: BEMOS 10F BESOM +28 28
>Mack: LNOPRSS 9G P.L +19 31
#note I8 SPOOL looks a little better. NORSS doesn't even bingo more than NRS and is much higher variance, plus SPOOL creates another S hook I can use. #strategysmall
>Matt: AEHVY 11B HEAVY +35 63
>Mack: ENNORSS 12A SORN +21 52
#note This is why PUL is a mistake. With NORSS, if I'm not bingoing I'm scoring very little.
>Matt: AEEIR 13C AERIE +21 84
>Mack: AEINOOS 9G ...AO +11 63
>Matt: ?ADEGLT 12G TAnGLED +70 154
>Mack: EGILNOS L3 LEGIONS +76 139
>Matt: AEHINRS 5E SHEARIN. +98 252
>Mack: AEENNQW A12 .EWN +21 160
#note Perhaps 13L WEEN, but I liked creating the row 15 lane since it's rather annoying to block.
>Matt: DIWY M10 WI.DY +26 278
>Mack: ?AEINQU 3G QUINE.lA +104 264
>Matt: BE 14L B.E +16 294
>Mack: AIMOOPT 15G OPTIMA +38 302
>Matt: DIRZ N1 IZ.RD +30 324
>Mack: EGKOOTU O5 OUTGO +21 323
>Matt: AD O1 DA +29 353
>Mack: EFIKLNT 2I KIF +27 350
#note I think this has to be correct here. The only other viable option is 4A KNIFE. After DA, I can infer Matt 100% didn't have the X (else 14I AX) or the F (else O1 FA) and very likely neither C (else 1L CAID), so most of the heavy tiles are probably still in the bag as Matt only drew 2. I want, and probably need, to draw the X for the 14J spot if I want to win. At the same time, I definitely want to avoid the J and the Cs since they don't go well together or with my leave. While KNIFE scores 9 more and gives me 2 more shots to draw the X, it also gets rid of my E, which I need to hit 14I. So I'd actually need to draw EX after KNIFE, which is far more unlikely than drawing X after KIF. Plus, KNIFE gives me 2 more chances to draw the tiles I don't want. So KIF definitely looks best here.
>Matt: EFIRTTU 6A TUFTIER +75 428
#note Was definitely not expecting Matt to bingo from that pool. Wow.
>Mack: CELNOTX A3 CON.EXT +51 401
>Matt: CJR J8 J.. +12 440
>Mack: L D10 L... +4 405
>Mack: (CR) +8 413