Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve Steve
#player2 Paul_Epstein Paul Epstein
>Steve: ELMRTVY 8G LEVY +20 20
#note I saw MYRTLE and thought it was a phony. Too bad. It comes in second to its anagram, my play comes in third, four points back in equity.
>Paul_Epstein: AQT 9F QAT +18 18
>Steve: IIMNRTU 10D UNIT +22 42
#note Second play in a row I should have scored 30 on, but didn't. This time I miss UNTRIM.
>Paul_Epstein: HOR 11C RHO +21 39
>Steve: DIMOOPR J7 M.OID +13 55
#note Second missed bingo of the tournament. Didn't know it, but I'll have to learn and play words like these if I'm ever going to slay the dragon that is Paul Epstein. Sixty point equity loss.
>Paul_Epstein: EEOR 11G ERO.E +16 55
>Steve: AEOPRUX 12K XU +27 82
>Paul_Epstein: ?CDEINT L7 rEIND.CT +69 124
#note Nice plae by Paul, but he could have won major style points if he played the 11-letter bingo available in this position.
>Steve: AELOPRR 14J PA.ROL +28 110
#note Another missed bingo. I really, really need to find words like this. At least I stopped myself from playing REPATROL*.
>Paul_Epstein: AEKNW 15G WAKEN +42 166
>Steve: EFLNRTT O12 FE.T +33 143
>Paul_Epstein: ESTUYZ M3 YUTZES +42 208
>Steve: BEILNRT 10I B. +8 151
#note D9 BUHL or BUHR.
>Paul_Epstein: DMO L2 DOM +25 233
>Steve: EEILNRT 5K LE. +13 164
>Paul_Epstein: JO 14F JO +30 263
>Steve: EEINORT 2E ORIENTE. +63 227
>Paul_Epstein: AHI 1G AHI +37 300
>Steve: AABEGGR 13G BAG +22 249
#note Third missed bingo of the game! No way to beat my daddy.
>Paul_Epstein: CGILN 1A CLING +30 330
>Steve: AEGIRRS N6 AG +21 270
>Paul_Epstein: DUW 3C WUD +19 349
>Steve: AEIRRSV 7A ARRIVES +68 338
#note Plays for three more and doesn't slot the A if it's played at B2.
>Paul_Epstein: ?FIOPSS O4 POSSe +43 392
>Steve: AAEIN 13L .AN. +18 356
>Paul_Epstein: FI C11 .IF +12 404
>Paul_Epstein: (AEI) +6 410
Player 2
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