Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Carolyn Carolyn
#player2 Steve Steve
>Carolyn: DGORU 8D GOURD +18 18
>Steve: DHMOUYZ E7 H.ODY +24 24
#note DOOZY of a miss.
>Carolyn: IKR 10E .IRK +11 29
>Steve: CEEMNUZ D11 MENU +19 43
#note GOURDE is good. Didn't know that hook. I7 ZEE.
>Carolyn: ?IINOPS 13A oPI.IONS +70 99
>Steve: CEGJMWZ F12 C.Z +34 77
#note Not knowing GOURDE bites me again. I7 JEW is best, by about 8 equity points. This was a frustrating rack, with the big scoring tiles, but not enough vowels to take full advantage of them.
>Carolyn: INY 15F YIN +36 135
>Steve: AEGJMUW B10 JUM. +31 108
>Carolyn: ABEIRTT B10 ....ER +34 169
>Steve: AEEGHRW A12 H.WE +61 169
#note Lucky draw for me leads to big non-bingo.
>Carolyn: BO H10 .OB. +13 182
>Steve: AEEGRTT H1 TARGETE. +86 255
>Carolyn: AQ 6F QA. +32 214
>Steve: DEFNRRT 5G F.RNED +25 280
>Steve: DEFNRRT -- -25 255
#note Mistake of the game. I thought it might be good, and that Carolyn would be unlikely to challenge in any event. I played it over its anagram to prevent the easy -s hook.
>Carolyn: IO I1 OI +6 220
>Steve: DEFNRRT 5G F.NDER +25 280
>Carolyn: AAEISTV L3 VA.IATES +74 294
#note I pay the stupid tax for the phony on the last turn.
>Steve: ILNRTTX M7 NIX +41 321
>Carolyn: ELOV K9 VOLE +29 323
>Steve: ALLLRTT N9 TALL +20 341
>Carolyn: EGN J10 GEN +20 343
>Steve: AAFLPRT L12 TRAP +24 365
#note O12 AFAR is best. I played this for the chance at scoring with the FL combination along row 14 next time.
>Carolyn: BIOT O12 OBIT +24 367
>Steve: ?AAAFLO 3J FA.A +20 385
#note Wrong to empty the bag. Just play AVA.
>Carolyn: DEESU N3 SUEDE +24 391
>Steve: ?ACEILO 3B COALIE. +20 405
#note Time pressure took its toll. Thought this was going to be enough, and slapped it down with about 19 seconds left on my clock. Found the bingo in post game analysis, after about a minute. Ouch.
>Carolyn: SW F2 W.S +14 405
>Carolyn: (?) +0 405
Player 2
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