Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew Matthew
#player2 Will Will
>Matthew: HO 8H OH +10 10
>Will: ACGHMNP J5 CHAMP +30 30
#note CHAMP seems like the word to play here, but which placement? There are so many. I think after Matthew's move I need to be making as few floaters as possible and definitely not a double-double line, making 9G CHAMP the best choice. #tacticssmall
>Matthew: DEINSSW 10F WINDS +36 46
#note Lucky, someday I won't get these breaks vs Matthew
>Will: AEGGINU 11C AGUE +15 45
#note Perhaps just GUE in the same spot is better than AGUE; I missed 11E GENUA for a lot more points but there's still hope on the post-GUE and AGUE boards for the ING leave. GUE doesn't seem to get me any more bingo% than AGUE does, so taking the extra two points is correct according to sim. On the other hand, Matthew is apt to make plays that push those numbers down, so setting up some threats that have recursive value might be a good idea. After either GUE or AGUE a play at D8 through the G could be bad news.
>Matthew: DEFLSUZ D8 FUD.E +28 74
#note Like so
>Will: GGILLNR C6 GRIG +19 64
#note Here I overreacted to my good 7s lane being blocked and grabbed at points. 9C LUG has the nice attribute of setting up a new lane for ING with GLUG hooks; but it's very hard to imagine Matthew not blocking it somehow. Instead I think I prefer the simple C7 LIG over GRIG, just to maintain much better leave synergy. I also get some draws towards GLIFT and GLIFF 8A, which would be annoying board openings for Matthew. #strategysmall
>Matthew: EJN 7H JE.N +27 101
>Will: EFLLNOT E6 LOFT +20 84
>Matthew: ILRRSYZ L3 YIRRS +28 129
>Will: AEELNOU 5E AUE +22 106
>Matthew: EZ 3L .EZ +30 159
>Will: ?ADELNO 12F DONEgAL +73 179
#note Somehow missed LADRONE/FUDGED, which I don't know if I'd have played thanks to the huge H12 scoring spot. Nevertheless a #findingsmall
>Matthew: IO 9G OI +17 176
>Will: AEEQRUV 8A QU... +60 239
>Matthew: AIRW N1 WA.IR +34 210
>Will: AAEERSV H12 .AVE +21 260
#note Waffled over VAWS, O1 EA, and NAVE for quite a while. I was going for the final blow bingo, and indeed I do get a massive amount more bingos down after NAVE; but VAWS still seems like the right play here, going up by 70 and keeping the board very tight. #tacticssmall
>Matthew: KM 13G K.M +35 245
>Will: ABERSTY G3 BY. +11 271
#note Regretting not doing VAWS now as I could have just kept scoring instead of commit myself to bingoing. I would've done C11 ABY except that I was easily envisioning situations where I hit a bingo that didn't play. Indeed, I get 77% bingo after ABY and 90% after BYE. Still at least a #strategysmall and maybe medium.
>Matthew: EEOV H1 EVOE +34 279
>Will: AAEIRST M8 ATRESIA +74 345
>Matthew: BIN N13 NIB +16 295
>Will: ?CDERTT O4 DETRaCT +90 435
#note Good draw masks my earlier errors
>Matthew: IL O14 LI +21 316
>Will: ALOOOPS K2 POLO +40 475
#note K1 PAOLO is 7 better, following up with ROST/WAZIRS. #endgamemedium
>Matthew: EINNTTX O1 EX +51 367
>Will: AOS 14G A.OS +21 496
>Will: (INNTT) +10 506
Player 2
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