Player 1 |
#player1 Dave Dave
#player2 Will Will
>Dave: EFIOX 8D FOXIE +38 38
>Will: ?GIOSUY 7A OUGIYaS +84 84
#note Thought for maybe slightly too long about this placement vs I2 for 7 fewer points. This placement is definitely best, actually allowing slightly fewer points to Dave than I2.
>Dave: BEGY A6 B.GEY +33 71
>Will: AGIRSTW F6 W.. +20 104
#note This is right, it hits more than all the 3 tile plays.
>Dave: EITU B10 ETUI +13 84
>Will: AEGIRST I8 STRIGAE +76 180
#note Another tank here as I evaluated as many placements as possible. The board after STRIGAE was pretty close to locked down, FOXIEST plays aside; maybe one or two more defensive moves would create a real problem for Dave. Quackle actually prefers 11A STRIGATE and I5 AIGRETS, both of which I considered; I'm not sure I thought of 14B SEAGIRT, which is also a play it likes better. #tacticssmall
>Dave: DEILOTZ H13 DZO +53 137
>Will: ABEQRUV 12A Q.AVER +56 236
>Dave: ILLN J11 NILL +29 166
>Will: ABCEIOU 11H B..IOU +16 252
#note Missed BAYOU, though BINIOU seems much safer positionally.
>Dave: HOO 10L OO +6 172
>Will: ?ACCEFJ N8 CAF +30 282
#note This move boiled down to the following question: can Dave ever play OO leaving the H behind? I thought if he had the H there was no way he isn't playing it on that turn, whether with OOH or something else; therefore, N8 CAF was an excellent way block the new bingo lane while inducing weak blocks of what looks like a scary H setup, or simultaneously a way to threaten many draws of EJECT or similar words that play for bingo scores along row 8. Sim emphatically prefers it over everything else.
>Dave: HO O7 OH +36 208
>Will: ?CEJMMW 9M M.M +26 308
#note OK, he drew the H, but he's also cleverly responded to CAF in a way that sets up multiple bingo lanes (row 6, column M). Fortunately for me I have the perfect block of both; I could do JOUnCE at M9 for 61, but MAM crushes Dave's bingo% and still keeps me at a good score to outrun anything he does eventually get down.
>Dave: AER F3 EAR... +15 223
>Will: ?ACEIJW 3B JEWI. +30 338
>Dave: EEINOTT 5B TENO.ITE +66 289
>Will: ?ACDENS 4H ENCASeD +75 413
>Dave: ENPRRSU L1 PRE.SRUN +64 353
>Will: ADELNPV 4A VENA +47 460
#note I looked for a while for potential 9xes through the P, and couldn't find anything. However, there was one - RATAPLAN. Therefore if I really want to seal the win for good I should play 2J PARVE.
>Dave: LNT K10 L.NT +20 373
>Will: ADDHKLP H1 DAL..H +30 490
#note KEP first is better #endgamesmall
>Dave: AAIRT 3L .RA +11 384
>Will: DKP E11 K.P +18 508
>Dave: AIT J7 ITA +22 406
>Dave: (D) +4 410