Player 1 |
#player1 jvc jvc
#player2 Winter Winter
>jvc: EELQRRT -ELQR +0 0
>Winter: ABEU 8E BEAU +12 12
>jvc: EENNRTU G6 EN.UNTER +61 61
>Winter: ADEF H12 DEAF +37 49
>jvc: CGIJMMX F12 MIX +37 98
>Winter: AAC E13 CAA +20 69
>jvc: CGJMOUZ F4 CUZ +65 163
>Winter: ?EGIOOR H1 GOORIE +36 105
>Winter: ?EGIOOR -- -36 69
#note So, apparently, unbeknownst to both me and Winter, the challenge machine we were using somehow got switched to NWL18. I knew GOORY was a word but I wasn't sure of GOORIE. To be clear, GOORIE is valid in CSW19, but since we were using the NWL18 lexicon, it came off the board. ##adjudicationSADDEST
>jvc: GJMOPTV H6 PO.T +24 187
#note This blocks all of his bings. Also, even though GOORIE came off, I have to give myself #knowledgesmall because it is actually a word.
>Winter: ?EGIOOR 15A ORGI. +21 90
>Winter: ?EGIOOR -- -21 69
#note Okay, so challenging the CSW19 only ORGIA is pretty sad, but given the exact circumstances, it was actually correct.
>jvc: GHJMPVW -GHJPVW +0 187
#note Hs are better, therefore, #tacticssmall, also ORGIA is a word so #knowledgesmall I guess.
>Winter: GOO 9C GOO +10 79
>jvc: BEIIMNQ 10B QIN +37 224
#note Winter shoulda challenged here.
>Winter: ?ADEIIR 4B RAtI.IDE +74 153
>jvc: BDEIILM 3A BEDIM +33 257
#note 3H IBIDEM #knowledgesmall
>Winter: FGO 2B FOG +33 186
>jvc: ?EILNPW 3G PINWaLE +93 350
>Winter: IWY L1 WI.Y +28 214
>jvc: AAINOOR 1L .OON +21 371
#note Winter shoulda challenged here too.
>Winter: STU N1 .UST +20 234
>jvc: AAEIKRS H1 KA.. +27 398
#note This is the 4th? *phony* Winter has let by, honestly I'm not sure, my NWL18 knowledge is fairly weak.
>Winter: HS E8 ..SH +31 265
#note More *phonies*, lmao.
>jvc: AEILRSV 15H .AVRILES +95 493
>jvc: AEILRSV -- -95 398
#note "Wow, I thought that was good ... Oh well, guess it doesn't take an S" - Me, pondering on my lost turn after playing a Collins only bingo. Excellent challenge by Winter here. Good thing the game is almost over, I'm getting tired of having to switch lexicons in Quackle for these asinine challenges.
>Winter: ENTY 15A YENT. +27 292
>jvc: AEILRSV C7 VA.. +12 410
#note So, usually I would mark this as a KNOWLEDGESADDEST for missing 15H (F)AVRILES, but I'll cut myself some slack this time. O4 ALIVE is fine, I was out of time here. #timeSADDEST
>Winter: GOR B12 GOR. +10 302
>jvc: AEILRSV 8A AV. +18 428
#note I think the bag was trying to tell me something here. Too bad I didn't have time to think about it. 8A VI(A) looks better, #timesmall.
>Winter: JR 13A J.R +20 322
>jvc: EHILRST 7G ..H +10 438
>Winter: AEILORT 15H .LOATIER +86 408
>jvc: EILRSST N9 STERIL. +18 456
>Winter: DEEL 5A DELE +21 429
#note If you're wondering, no, we didn't manage to figure out what was going on, so that's pretty funny I guess. It's funnier/sadder if you also realize that this was Winter's first loss of the tournament, making him 7-1. It wasn't until I told Tim later that night that I figured out what had happened.
>Winter: (S) +2 431