Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Tim Tim
#player2 Will Will
>Tim: ABILO 8H ABOIL +16 16
>Will: CIRSSTX 9H TIX +27 27
#note This should have been XIS or SIX; CRST much better for bingoing. #tacticssmall
>Tim: EHPW 7J PHEW +35 51
>Will: CEGNRSS I8 ..G +6 33
#note Tricky move; Quackle wants H6 GNAT to increase my odds of drawing a vowel. Even though that move leaves only one S hook on the board, it's seemingly impossible to block effectively without very specific plays from BI that probably represent huge equity sacrifices. #strategysmall
>Tim: ?ADEINT 11E DETrAIN +85 136
>Will: ACENRSS 7B CASERNS +64 97
>Tim: UY 10F YU +28 164
>Will: EINORTV D3 INVE.TOR +74 171
#note I wish I could say I picked INVESTOR because I balked at all the CONTRIVE hooks - but in fact I actually just somehow missed CONTRIVE despite looking at the C. #findingsmall
>Tim: DEZ C9 ZED +46 210
>Will: ?BGHLNR 3B GL.B +14 185
#note Quackle wants 3B BLING; why would I do this with ABLING# available?
>Tim: AJT 6L TAJ +34 244
>Will: ?AEHLNR B9 AH +39 224
#note HALER gives up 5 more points per turn than AH does; not enough to account for the 10 point gap in score. #strategymedium
>Tim: ACEIPRT A10 CARPET +48 292
>Will: ?EELNOR 15A .ELEtRON +74 298
>Tim: F B14 F. +20 312
>Will: FIMOTUW 12D MOW +28 326
#note Maybe 14G MUFTI or something similar is warranted here after Tim's EF? When I infer six tile leaves like GRAINS MOW still sims best.
>Tim: AGINRRS 13F SARRING +70 382
>Tim: AGINRRS -- -70 312
>Will: FIMTUUV 13C VUM +26 352
>Tim: AGINRRS 14G GAR +9 321
>Will: FIKOQTU 4A QUI.O +33 385
#note KEF is kinda tempting to keep QU and shut down all chances of a double-double on row 5...but QUINO is also nice to run up the score.
>Tim: OO 2E OO +9 330
>Will: DDEEFKT 5C E.ET +29 414
#note EVET sims worse than obvious moves like 1F KEF but I like that it reduces Tim's average score by about 5 points and eliminates that nightmare huge 4x scenario. Still probably a #strategymedium.
>Tim: INY 1F YIN +23 353
>Will: DDFIKSU 12J FUD +21 435
>Tim: E H1 .E +2 355
>Will: DIIKLOS M12 SKIO +24 459
#note Nope, I2 LOID setting up the huge SKI play at J1. #endgamelarge
>Tim: AAEINRS I1 SNARE +15 370
>Will: DIL 15L L.ID +18 477
>Will: (AIR) +6 483
#note Quackle says: Bag wasn't empty or tiles drawn out of order
Player 2
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