Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Bob Bob
>Will: HNNOOQT -HNOOQ +0 0
#note Came pretty close to playing a word here, but decided I preferred to minimize the downside risk. Quackle emphatically prefers exchanges.
>Bob: ?EEFLNO 8F ONEsELF +76 76
>Will: ANRRTTW K4 TRAW. +16 16
#note Missed 9F WART. #visionmedium
>Bob: HO J6 HO. +32 108
>Will: AIIKNRT L1 KINA +30 46
#note KATI and KRAI sim less than a point ahead of KINA despite KINA's slightly better bingo% - probably because they synergize a bit better with the K I just hung in space, though it's unlikely I get to use it. #tacticssmall
>Bob: AEI 1L .AIE +24 132
>Will: EHIORTT L8 .ORTIETH +86 132
>Bob: EGIW 15H WEIG. +36 168
>Will: ADGIINV G7 I.VADING +69 201
#note AVOIDING doesn't make a Z-bomb spot. #tacticssmall
>Bob: BIJR 13I JIB.R +44 212
>Will: ?AAEETT 2H TAEn.ATE +76 277
#note Quackle thinks Bob scores 4 more points after TAENIATE than ANTEDATE - nowhere near the 10 point difference in score. ANTEDATE makes some really heavy scoring opportunities and does nothing to diminish the Z threat (which I shouldn't have created in the first place).
>Bob: CLMP 10E CL.MP +13 225
>Will: AELNOUU 1E LUAU +18 295
#note UNAU bingos less than a percentage point more than LUAU but needlessly creates a gigantic spot for fives ending in Y, increasing Bob's score by 2 points over LUAU.
>Bob: AXZ 3G ZAX +57 282
>Will: DEENORY 4B ONEYRE +29 324
#note Pivotal move. I saw the star equity move of 14F YGOE leaving the nice DENR; but that leave isn't particularly helpful for bingoing on this board. I felt it was much more important to blow through some tiles to get at least one of the four unseen esses for JIBERS. However, what the DENR leave *is* helpful for doing is letting me score with WEIGHTED, WEIGHERS, or WEIGHMEN with any of MSSSST, and in general good leave synergy/balance never hurts. #strategymedium
>Bob: CLOY B2 CO.LY +36 318
>Will: DEGIRSU N7 GUIDERS +78 402
#note ONEYRE had 9% bingo chances so this was a bit lucky.
>Bob: IQS O6 QIS +45 363
>Will: ABMNSTU A6 NUMBATS +91 493
#note As was this - standard for me against Bob.
>Bob: DEFOORS 3A F.OD +23 386
>Will: DENOPV E10 .OVED +22 515
#note 12C NEVOID is best because Bob can block my lone out after COVED while retaining unblockable WEIGHERS by playing 7G IO. #endgamemedium
>Bob: EORS 15H .....ERS +45 431
>Will: NP 7F P.N +11 526
>Will: (O) +2 528
Player 2
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