Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Trevor_Tao Trevor Tao
>Peter_Kougi: ?EEEJNW 8G JEW +26 26
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8G JEW 26 70.36% EEN?

6.33 8F JEW 26 67.77% EEN?

8.13 8H JEW 26 67.00% EEN?

14.1 8F JEE 20 64.62% ENW?

14.1 8D JEWiE 44 64.62% EN

14.8 8H JEE 20 64.38% ENW?

15.3 8G JEE 20 64.21% ENW?

16.7 8D JEWEl 44 63.38% EN

17.0 8F WEE 12 63.33% EJN?

17.8 8H EEW 12 63.01% EJN?

>Trevor_Tao: ?ABGNST J6 BASTiNG +79 79
>Peter_Kougi: ?EEINNV 12C ENErVIN. +74 100
#note Costly mistake

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
best 12C EVENtIN(G) 74 52.28%

0.385 12D EVENIN(G)s 74 52.10%

0.482 12D EEVNIN(G)s 74 52.10%

3.17*12C ENErVIN(G) 74 50.75%

6.04 13D VENINEs 70 49.50%

6.41 K1 ENrIVEN 74 49.42%

6.25 K1 ENlIVEN 74 49.34%

6.98 K1 VENINEs 73 49.05%

13.9 K10 NEIVE 24 45.86% N?

15.5 12D EVENIN(G) 24 44.79% ?

>Trevor_Tao: EEMZ 11C MEZE +59 138
>Peter_Kougi: DEHLOPR 13C HEP +49 149
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 13A POHED 54 49.68% LR

3.05*13C HEP 49 48.11% DLOR

6.03 10F HOP 29 46.70% DELR

5.36 13A HOLDER 48 46.52% P

5.88 13A HOLED 44 46.44% PR

6.66 13B OHED 48 46.30% LPR

7.44 13A POLED 42 45.87% HR

7.95 13A POH 32 45.76% DELR

8.50 13A POLDER 46 45.34% H

8.43 13B OLDER 40 45.26% HP

>Trevor_Tao: HIO 10F HOI +27 165
>Peter_Kougi: DLLOORT K3 DROOL +18 167
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
best H12 (I)DOL 15 42.55% LORT

3.22 K5 LOD 15 40.40% LORT

5.60 11J (N)OLL 8 39.44% DORT

5.46*K3 DROOL 18 39.23% LT

5.44 K4 TROD 17 39.09% LLO

6.75 K5 TOD 15 38.55% LLOR

6.94 7H DO(A)T 15 38.50% LLOR

6.76 K3 DOLOR 18 38.48% LT

7.78 K5 DOL 14 38.01% LORT

8.74 6J (B)LOOD 12 37.65% LRT

>Trevor_Tao: ENQU 4H QUE.N +48 213
>Peter_Kougi: ADLTTUY H12 .DYL +24 191
#note Wow Q hates this

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
1.49 L4 (N)UTTY 22 28.00% ADL

best L7 TAUTLY 23 27.95% D

7.67 H12 (I)DLY 24 25.48% ATTU

6.52 L6 DUTY 18 25.09% ALT

6.48 L6 DAULT 16 24.98% TY

8.51 H4 (Q)UYT(E) 17 24.97% ADLT

8.34 11J (N)UTTY 16 24.74% ADL

7.46 L6 YAULD 21 24.32% TT

7.91 L6 TAUTLY 18 24.23% D

8.57 L6 TATU 13 24.19% DLY

12.9*H12 (I)DYL 24 22.84% ATTU

>Trevor_Tao: GV I3 V.G +11 224
>Peter_Kougi: ABOTTTU 3K .OUBT +18 209
#note Did not know

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best L6 BATTUTO 80 70.09%

11.2 L7 BATTUTO 75 63.61%

67.6*3K (D)OUBT 18 28.65% TTA

>Trevor_Tao: AKO O1 OK.A +27 251
>Peter_Kougi: AADGRTT 2M GA. +27 236
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 6G TAG(BO)ARD 25 30.24% T

7.98 L6 TAD 14 25.75% AGRT

8.79*2M GA(K) 27 25.73% ADRTT

11.0 L6 TAG 14 24.55% ADRT

11.3 L6 GAT 14 24.08% ADRT

10.9 L3 (ON)DATRA 20 23.85% GT

12.4 L6 GAD 16 23.80% ARTT

11.8 L6 GART 15 23.07% ADT

15.1 L6 DART 15 22.07% AGT

13.1 L6 DARGA 17 21.86% TT

>Trevor_Tao: DEF L6 DEF +20 271
>Peter_Kougi: AADIRTT 8L .IAT +21 257
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8L (F)IAT 21 29.95% ADRT

4.27 5F TAI(G) 16 28.17% ADRT

4.98 8L (F)ARD 24 27.81% AITT

5.09 8L (F)RAT 21 26.85% ADIT

6.26 I7 T(W)A 16 26.82% ADIRT

7.28 8L (F)ART 21 26.41% ADIT

10.2 L6 (DEF)AT 9 25.62% ADIRT

7.48 K9 ITA 13 25.39% ADRT

7.99 8L (F)ITT 21 25.04% AADR

9.98 9J (T)AT 11 24.90% ADIRT

>Trevor_Tao: ALU H4 .UAL. +17 288
>Peter_Kougi: ADINRTY K9 ANY +25 282
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
0.133*K9 ANY 25 30.11% DIRT

1.01 9L ID 18 29.67% ANRTY

0.928 9J (T)IYN 22 29.53% ADRT

1.14 9J (T)YIN 19 29.52% ADRT

0.324 N6 DI(A)RY 21 29.39% ANT

2.76 K10 NY 21 29.04% ADIRT

best 11I I(N)NYARD 24 28.59% T

2.93 L6 (DEF)IANT 22 27.74% DRY

5.47 9J (T)RY 17 27.06% ADINT

6.82 6J (BOD)Y 10 26.86% ADINRT

>Trevor_Tao: EMOORST N6 TE.ROOMS +64 352
>Peter_Kougi: DEIRRST 5G R.. +4 286
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best O11 REIRD 30 12.04% ST

4.62*5G R(UG) 4 9.837% DIREST

7.00 13K RID(S) 10 8.814% REST

9.25 10N (O)R 2 8.345% DIREST

10.1 12L RI(M) 10 8.324% DREST

8.52 5F DR(UG) 6 8.137% IREST

10.1 O11 RIT 13 7.801% DRES

9.58 14F DR(Y) 11 7.561% IREST

11.5 11M R(O)D 4 7.370% IREST

14.1 xch R 0 7.369% DIREST

>Trevor_Tao: EFIPRX F2 PREFIX +34 386
>Peter_Kougi: DEIIRST 15A REDISTI. +80 366
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *15A REDISTI(L) 80 9.091%

>Trevor_Tao: OW 14A OW +22 408
>Peter_Kougi: AAEIINU O12 AINE +22 388
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
5.16 I11 A(N)I 14 AEINU

8.89 O10 UNAI 16 AEI

11.4 M12 AUA 14 EIIN

13.0 M12 AIA 14 EINU

15.8 13K AIA(S) 8 EINU

15.9*O12 AINE 22 AIU

17.7 M12 AUE 14 AIIN

18.1 3C NAI(R)U 12 AEI

18.5 O12 EINA 22 AIU

23.4 M12 AI 12 AEINU

>Trevor_Tao: ACCILRS 4A CIRCL. +26 434
>Peter_Kougi: AITU E6 TAI +14 402
A few errors, deserved loss

--Championship Player's choices (your

play: 3)
5.00 I11 A(N)I 14 TU

6.00 E6 TAU 14 I

6.00*E6 TAI 14 U

8.00 M10 ITA 12 U

8.00 E7 AIT 12 U

9.00 E6 TA 13 IU

10.0 12L AT(MA) 12 IU

11.0 E7 AT 11 IU

11.0 E7 AI 11 TU

12.0 C3 A(R)TI 8 U

>Trevor_Tao: AS 14F SA. +14 448
>Trevor_Tao: (U) +2 450
Player 2
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