Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 joel_s joel s
#player2 cesar cesar
>joel_s: AAFNU 8D FAUNA +24 24
>cesar: BDEOSTY 7C YOB +21 21
>joel_s: OOX 6E OXO +31 55
>cesar: DEEGPST I7 PEG +20 41
#note i did see SEDGE but i didn't want to blow up my rack that quickly. PEG sims a tiny bit better. is the right play SEDGE? i think Joel probably plays that.
>joel_s: ?AEJNTU 5G JAUNTEd +85 140
>cesar: ?BDEEST 10G BESTEaD +68 109
#note ugh i was so frustrated by JAUNTEd that i spent literally 9 minutes on this move. i spent a very long time trying to alternatively talk myself out of BESETTED*, talk myself into playing DEBT instead of bingoing, and then trying to find a better bingo than BESTEaD. then for about two minutes i started even doubting BESTEad was good. With about 12 minutes on my clock i said screw it and just played bestead. very frustrating, constantly losing to Joel. DEBT sims significantly better than BESTEaD, and BEDrEST is also a better bingo. -8.5 #strategylarge -- i didn't think he would leave the 3-3 open
>joel_s: CLOZ H1 COLZ. +78 218
#note jeez
>cesar: AEINRUY 9I .UY +14 123
#note ugh this is too difficult. with such a small % chance of winning, i don't know what's right anymore. it seems in these types of situations i have to limit the amount of damage he can do, so something like 4K AY or YA is going to sim best despite keeping a U. the problem with GUY, even though it does play short and keeps a good leave, is that it gives back so many points; i know this but have to hope he can't punish it too much. -3 #strategymedium
>joel_s: EHI 11K HIE +34 252
>cesar: AEIIKNR J4 I.K +17 140
#note i hate playing like a newb
>joel_s: ILRV L1 LIVR. +18 270
>cesar: AAEEINR 3J RA.E +22 162
#note my chance of winning is so minuscule here that RAVE actually sims about even with AVE despite the much worse leave - i need to now score and get lucky with my next draw.
>joel_s: HINOT H10 .THION +39 309
>cesar: ADEILNO 15H .ONIDEAL +83 245
>joel_s: AERT E3 AER...T +18 327
#note joel told me he never fishes; i wonder if he kept a sweet leave here.
>cesar: AEGNPTV 2J PA.NT +47 292
>joel_s: ER 1N ER +8 335
>cesar: EGILNUV 12M VUG +16 308
#note i loved this move; no alternative i thought except maybe VEGIE 4A. i have the IN leave for it, and it's hard to block. quackle likes both this and VEGIE about the same by win %.
>joel_s: CDMOOR 13C CORMO.D +30 365
>cesar: EIILMNS 1B LEMNIS.I +65 373
>joel_s: DEEGQSW 4A WEDG. +28 393
#note joel is going for one of the i's and thinks he maybe should have played WEDGES here - QI will play in several places anyway.
>cesar: AAFIRTW 13K AWA +28 401
#note awful and discouraging. I completely forgot that DEVI was a word so i only thought of making the hook an A. also, because I had spent like half my time on the first three moves, i was pretty low here and could not see a good way to win. i did see FRAT, which quackle says is a winning play, but where's the other spot for WAI besides WAIT? -8 #endgamelarge (edit: 5B WAIR, making three "new" in the last few years 2s!! how can I hope to play Collins if I can't find TWL 2s??)
>joel_s: EIQSS 2A QIS +30 423
>cesar: FIRT 9A FRIT. +15 416
#note i'm never going to beat Joel again
>cesar: (ES) +4 420