Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Bryn_Bowen Bryn Bowen
>Joshua_Sokol: AAGILOT H8 OTALGIA +70 70
#note time to introduce Bryn to my world. #questionable
>Bryn_Bowen: NOXY I12 ONYX +26 26
>Joshua_Sokol: AABFIJY J10 JAB +34 104
#note JAY seemed standard, but this seemed interesting as an alternative, to set up GOBY next turn. Quack don't think it's worth it, but I think my defense might prove Quacky wrong. #questionable
>Bryn_Bowen: HM G13 HM +29 55
>Joshua_Sokol: AAFFIOY K9 FOY +37 141
>Bryn_Bowen: III -III +0 55
>Joshua_Sokol: AAFINNR L4 FARINA +25 166
>Bryn_Bowen: AIO 8L .AOI +12 67
>Joshua_Sokol: EIINTUZ G5 UNITIZE +86 252
#note the best draws, but I gots to play UNITIZE(R). #knowledgemedium
>Bryn_Bowen: ?AADINT N2 ADnATI.N +70 137
#note INTIFADA! I held this, not proudly
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEHLPV M2 HEAVE +47 299
>Bryn_Bowen: EKNORST 6C VIBI.G +14 151
>Bryn_Bowen: EKNORST -- -14 137
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ELLPSU 1G PiLULES +89 388
>Bryn_Bowen: BGIIRV 5J BR... +20 157
>Joshua_Sokol: EEOOORS J4 O.OE +8 396
>Bryn_Bowen: CGIIV 6C VICI.G +14 171
>Joshua_Sokol: EEORSST C2 ESTO.ERS +76 472
>Bryn_Bowen: IQ 2F QI +35 206
#note I was ahead by 301 :O
>Joshua_Sokol: DENRRTU 8A DU.R +18 490
>Bryn_Bowen: LW M8 .WL +24 230
>Joshua_Sokol: EENRSTW 7I W. +9 499
#note L1 (E)W was there, but just do B1 TWEEN here
>Bryn_Bowen: DEEM B2 DEEM +28 258
>Joshua_Sokol: CEENRST 4A N.. +4 503
#note I'm sure Bryn was thrilled that the slowest bingo-finder in the top 25 was iterating through all the draws he could get with his various one-tile fishes while he was ahead 250.
Fishing the N looks like the best fish to hit D(I)SCRETE O7 sometimes when Bryn elects to block. But G1 PIN is 2 more, it's not worth blocking A1 apparently
>Bryn_Bowen: EGKNOPT E4 PE.K +24 282
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEGRST 13F C...S +23 526
#note this endgame was fascinating because he has so many points that he just set up for himself and I had to wonder if he would see the tupik.
>Bryn_Bowen: DNORTU D8 .OTUND +16 298
#note D1 UNTO is 22(!) better
>Joshua_Sokol: EEGRT L11 EGRET +20 546
#note he is stuck... with an R... -14 #endgamelarge
>Joshua_Sokol: (R) +2 548