Player 1 |
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#player1 Matt_O Matt O
#player2 BJ BJ
>Matt_O: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
>BJ: FKLOS H4 FOLKS +32 32
#note Matt is very fast, and even though I'm faster than I used to be, I need to keep up or I'll be toast in the endgame. So I played faster than I'd like, so much so that I forgot to write down most of my racks. Here I left two vowels, I think. Wasn't happy about that. Since he just exchanged, I wasn't too worried about putting the S in the middle.
>Matt_O: EGNTT 5G G.TTEN +14 14
>BJ: ?ALNPRT 8A PANTLeR. +80 112
#note Lucky draw. Matt held briefly.
>Matt_O: EEY 4J EYE +23 37
>BJ: ?AMNOST C3 MONTA.eS +70 182
>BJ: ABDL (challenge) +5 187
#note Took me forever to even find ONE bingo here. Thankfully I did. And wow, I even got a +5 out of it. A8 PHANTOMS or PTOMAINS or PANTOUMS was best.
>Matt_O: ACEOTU E5 OCU.ATE +36 73
>BJ: ABDL D1 BLAD +30 217
>Matt_O: AEGRZ 3I GRAZE +55 128
>BJ: EORX 1D .OXER +42 259
>Matt_O: ADIQ B2 QADI +40 168
>BJ: DIOSUVV N3 DIV +24 283
#note Quackle seems to like this choice too. Seemed like a good idea to start shutting lanes down.
>Matt_O: EERY 9G EYER +28 196
#note This was underscored as 26 instead of 28.
>BJ: OU 2D .OU +18 301
>Matt_O: AIIPR D11 PIRAI +20 216
>BJ: GRV 14B GR.V +16 317
#note Close lanes.
>Matt_O: EIOO 6E .OO.IE +23 239
#note Nice find for a vowel dump.
>BJ: ILSTUUW 8J ULU +6 323
#note Didn't like my choices here. Could have played B10 ULU for a couple more points but I thought this position might help by taking away the lane through the R.
>Matt_O: AANOS F10 ANOAS +29 268
#note Another nice little play by Matt that scores well and opens lanes. Stop it!
>BJ: IIMNSTW G8 ..MINT +25 348
#note I was happy with this response to clog things up again, though 6L SWIM and G8 (RE)WIN are also good. Matt held the play briefly.
>Matt_O: J 7B J. +18 286
>BJ: CEHS H12 SECH +37 385
#note I spent a while on this turn, studying the unseen tile pool and considering what possible bingos Matt might be able to make if I put the H out there, among other things.
>Matt_O: BDEEINW 10I WEEDBIN +77 363
>Matt_O: BDEEINW -- -77 286
#note A last-ditch effort for the win.
>BJ: FHIIW B11 WHI. +11 396
>Matt_O: BDEEINW 10J BEDEW +36 322
>BJ: FI L10 .IF +14 410
>BJ: (IN) +4 414
#note Final score as recorded was 414-320 thanks to our 2-point error on EYER earlier. Holy cow I'm 7-1 and in 1st place! New territory for me.