Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Seth_Lipkini Seth Lipkini
>Joshua_Sokol: CGMOOQT H7 COG +12 12
#note how much worse is Seth going to play on a post-COG board versus a board in which he gets to play first? If the answer is around 3 points worse on average, then sure, this is a defensible play. But I don't understand why I make my life so much more difficult than it needs to be. #questionable
>Seth_Lipkini: ADK G8 DAK +16 16
>Joshua_Sokol: AMOOQRT F7 QAT +20 32
>Seth_Lipkini: ?CENNOX 7H .ON +6 22
>Joshua_Sokol: AIMOORW 6I WOO +17 49
#note MIAOW instead? #questionable
>Seth_Lipkini: ?AEINRX K4 EX.N +28 50
>Joshua_Sokol: AEFILMR L4 FIL +38 87
#note L1 FERMI is bad. I felt this was pretty great when he doesn't bingo and AEMR has the most bingo comeback potential also
>Seth_Lipkini: ?CEIORR 11B CIRROsE +74 124
>Joshua_Sokol: AEMORVY H11 .VERY +45 132
>Seth_Lipkini: EPZ 14G P.EZ +35 159
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEEIMO D8 MOI.E +20 152
>Seth_Lipkini: DEGJUY C4 JUDGEY +37 196
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEHIIN 4B A.I +20 172
#note might have misevaluated this, seems closer than I thought, I thought AJI would be a good few points better in a sim. Neck and neck. #questionable
>Seth_Lipkini: ?AADILS A2 DAhLIAS +81 277
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEHINU 12H .ENUE +16 188
#note I'm playing well, no need to feel down, right? 2A (D)UE was like "is this really the best play? I think I don't have to be THAT ridiculously desparate do I?" #questionable
>Seth_Lipkini: ABGNO 3D BOGAN +13 290
>Joshua_Sokol: AEHIOSU M9 HOUSE +33 221
>Seth_Lipkini: HPT M2 PHT +22 312
>Joshua_Sokol: ADIRRSV N7 AVID +24 245
>Seth_Lipkini: EESTW N1 WEEST +36 348
>Joshua_Sokol: AIRRSTU H1 RU.T +15 260
#note I might have to play 15J AIRT to block HOUSE hooks so that he has a harder time blockingg the lane but then he blocks anyway because there's only one lane so no fuck that
>Seth_Lipkini: BIR 14M RIB +19 367
#note ugh I know it's good but I must challenge
>Joshua_Sokol: AEILMRS - +0 260
>Seth_Lipkini: AILNNTT 15N TA +20 387
>Joshua_Sokol: AEILMRS 13A MILS +20 280
>Seth_Lipkini: FILNNT 5C .NFIT +21 408
>Joshua_Sokol: AER O1 EAR +35 315
>Joshua_Sokol: (LN) +4 319
Player 2
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