Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Pete Pete
#player2 Dan_Pratt Dan Pratt
>Pete: AHIIRWX 8F WAIR +14 14
#note Too fancy trying to set up an X play. I was beguiled by the Ted Rosen "Always keep an H" theory. WHIR makes the most sense.
>Dan_Pratt: AJ F6 JA. +29 29
>Pete: ACHISTX G7 T.X +22 36
#note A wide variety of X fishes and XS plays sim better, I was willing to try a fish here and open up the board. AGainst a strong player lake Dan Pratt, when I've got decent tiles, I want the board open.
>Dan_Pratt: EFINSST 10F FITNESS +81 110
>Pete: ACHIMOS J2 CHAMOIS +80 116
#note I did not know CHAMISOS, unfortunately. I was very happy to find CHAMOIS. Those 30 extra points woulda been nice. I hate when words I've never studied, but find, have anagrams that play for far more points. I really wanted a M for MACHOISM/MACHISMO.
>Dan_Pratt: BELORTT L3 BLOTTER. +72 182
>Pete: ?ACEENS 11A rECANES +83 199
#note One of a bunch of 83 point bingoes available. rECANES wins sim..
>Dan_Pratt: DFIOU C9 FU.OID +32 214
>Pete: ADEEGIO M1 GEOID +27 226
#note I was torn between GEODE and playing long with DOGEAr for less... duck likes my choice, with the sweet GEOTAXIS finishing second.
>Dan_Pratt: AIOTV A6 VIATO. +24 238
>Pete: ?AAELPU I7 P.U.E +18 244
#note Missed bingo #3 for the event. PAPULAE is an entirely new one to me. I missed AGUE for no particular reason. PRUNE wasn't totally brainless... I wanted another hook to play with.
>Dan_Pratt: EKP B13 KEP +30 268
>Pete: ?AAEGLR D3 REGALiA +69 313
#note Bassed up the points to not open the trip trip line, and missed on two points by not looking for ALGEbRA. The hyper agrressive play wins sim, somehow.
>Dan_Pratt: BNRTU 12H BRUNT +28 296
>Pete: ADEILRZ C4 DAZE +35 348
#note I start getting defensive here. I did not want to open a new line with BIZE. Duck says I should, and by a huge margin.
>Dan_Pratt: EVY H12 .EVY +36 332
>Pete: EIIILOR 14H .IRILE +11 359
#note Finally, I get the death rack here. I make a calculated choice, that my most likely way to win will be to play the Q, or make Dan eat it. I play off two Is, holding the case I. I'm hoping to draw the U... and while a little afraid of the Q, still would rather he have it. At this point, it he doesn't catch the U with a Q, I should find a way to stick him. Duck Likes LIGER, but I was unwilling to give him a new dangeroug line to work with. I was proud of this play when I made it, and after quackling.... I still am, LIGER be darned.
>Dan_Pratt: ELNO E2 LENO +22 354
>Pete: AIORUWY A14 WO +34 393
#note Rarely have been so happy to get such an ugly rack. I knew the game was over. LENO looked like a fish for the case I or the U (and setting up a place for it... The play of a man with a Q. I figured, play small, don't screw up, and get the win. GUY is winningest, at 86%, WO finishes at 81%... I didn't want to let Dan take the A15 spot.
>Dan_Pratt: DGHNNOQ 15M HOG +26 380
#note Duck finds HON n2 to be the best, and all plays having some winning chances. Maybe if I have a heart attack at the table. Dan does play a cool sequence here, and I am running low on time.
>Pete: AIMRUY N2 MY +30 423
#note YUM 13M values best... I wanted to play small, and time was short.
>Dan_Pratt: DNNQ D11 .ND +20 400
>Pete: AIRU F2 AI +11 434
#note The sneaky EAU 11I is four points better...
>Dan_Pratt: NQ 7I ..N. +6 406
>Pete: RU 9C ..R +6 440
#note Chickened on TUFA... study the darn 4's.
>Dan_Pratt: Q - +0 406
>Pete: U 3I U. +6 446
#note And a plan came together, and I beat a far better player than me. I am pleased with my play overall this game, and I am very happy with my execution on the VIRILE rack... even if it hadn't work, I'm pleased I had the awareness to see the possibility.
>Pete: (Q) +20 466
Player 2
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