Player 1 |
#player1 Opponent Opponent
#player2 Kenji Kenji
>Opponent: DIIOPRS 8C SPIROID +76 76
>Kenji: AAADDIO -AADO +0 0
#note PODIA is fine. Trading is over the top here.
>Opponent: EEHLNQR C8 .HEQEL +44 120
>Kenji: ADIPUVZ 11C .UIZ +44 44
>Opponent: ANORSTW I5 SAN.WORT +67 187
>Kenji: ADPRTTV 12A AD.PT +28 72
>Opponent: FIJOORV A11 F.VOR +33 220
>Kenji: ABEORTV A7 OVER..... +54 126
>Opponent: EGIJOSY J4 JOY +36 256
>Kenji: ABBEMNT 4J .AMB +30 156
>Opponent: EGGIISU N2 GIE +24 280
>Kenji: ABDENTT K4 .BET +28 184
#note TAB probably better by a little bit. The E might be worth a lot more than it looks, and the G isn't likely to help me.
>Opponent: EGIKSTU 8K SKITE +49 329
>Kenji: ?AADENT 13G ANsATED +78 262
#note ABsTAINED slightly better, maybe.
>Opponent: AGLNOUU H10 NOU.AL +28 357
>Kenji: ?EHIITW 12L WITH +41 303
#note Thematically this is correct, but there actually still is some play left. There is not a lot of long term volatility, but enough to make bingoing correct by a little. You're an underdog but taking 41 and then bingoing, if that occurs doesn't help you enough to make it worth passing it up. Also WITHIE? over WHITIE? by a large margin.
>Opponent: DGLMNOU 14J MOD +31 388
>Kenji: ?CEEGIX 9F EX +36 339
>Opponent: EGILNUY B1 GUYLINE +78 466
#note It's nice to see poor play punished.
>Kenji: ?ACEGIR 7G C +15 354
#note Fishing for AGGRIEVE/AGREEING and hoping. Obviously a bad line, but it could work. Eh, probably not.
>Opponent: EFLNOSU O1 FONS +47 513
>Kenji: ?AAEGIR 3M A.. +14 368
#note Even IF I hit it, it still doesn't carry. But now I don't have any options.
>Opponent: CEEILNU 3B .EELIN +20 533
>Kenji: ?AAEGIR 1B .ARbAGE +27 395
>Opponent: CRU D3 .CRU +12 545
>Opponent: (I) +2 547