Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Oyende_Allan Oyende Allan
#player2 Gongolo_Michael Gongolo Michael
>Oyende_Allan: AAEEIOT -AAEIO +0 0
>Gongolo_Michael: ACLLRRW 8D CRAWL +26 26
>Oyende_Allan: EEMORST C2 METEORS +81 81
>Gongolo_Michael: AEFLNRT D1 FETAL +36 62
>Oyende_Allan: AEEEOOY B5 EYE +32 113
>Gongolo_Michael: BEHNPRR A7 HERB +33 95
>Oyende_Allan: AEEILOO 1D .OLIO +24 137
>Gongolo_Michael: EGINPRS 11A SPRINGE +80 175
>Oyende_Allan: AAEENNN D8 .AN.NE +16 153
>Gongolo_Michael: ?IIIOOW 12F IWI +15 190
>Oyende_Allan: AADEINV H11 D.VAN +39 192
>Gongolo_Michael: ?EIOOOT 10A .OO. +16 206
>Oyende_Allan: ?ABEEIT 2H BEATIEr +74 266
>Gongolo_Michael: ?DEIOTY L2 .DOnEITY +74 280
>Oyende_Allan: IJKMORS A1 KOJIS +55 321
>Gongolo_Michael: ADDFPUU 1M FUD +27 307
>Oyende_Allan: HLMNRUZ K4 LUZ +39 360
>Gongolo_Michael: AADGPSU 6I GA..D +18 325
>Oyende_Allan: AAHMNRR 3G HARM +26 386
>Gongolo_Michael: AGPSTUU H5 PAU. +23 348
>Oyende_Allan: ACENNRT F1 .AC +19 405
>Gongolo_Michael: GOQSTUV 14F QU.G +34 382
>Oyende_Allan: EINNRTX K9 NIXER +29 434
>Gongolo_Michael: IOSTV 12J V.TO +14 396
>Oyende_Allan: NT M11 N.T +6 440
>Oyende_Allan: (IS) +4 444
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-10 14:00:22 Server IP: