Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Saint Saint
>Noah: AAGILRT H7 RAGTAIL +68 68
>Saint: EFLX G11 FLEX +25 25
>Noah: EIKLQSW -QW +0 68
>Saint: CMY I13 MYC +21 46
>Noah: EEIKLSZ 10H .IZ +32 100
#note I was laughing during Saint's turn. Thought of EZEKIEL which made me think of Weird Al's "Amish Paradise" (I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that, even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone!)
>Saint: AHP F13 HAP +30 76
>Noah: EEKLNOS G2 KEELSON +68 168
>Saint: AHRS H1 RASH +50 126
>Noah: BFIOTVV 3B VOTIV.. +26 194
>Saint: GORT E1 GR.OT +12 138
>Noah: ABBDFIN I5 FIB +19 213
>Saint: EORRS 15H S.ORER +27 165
>Noah: ABDDJNP L12 JAP. +26 239
#note Giant mistake.
>Saint: CNORSTU C2 C.NTOURS +62 227
>Noah: BDDINOW M11 DOW +33 272
#note Is this a mistake? Considered INDOW, BOW.
>Saint: EIW 8A WI.E +24 251
>Noah: BDIINQT -BDIQ +0 272
>Saint: AAADENN - +0 251
#note Exchange 5.
>Noah: ?AEEINT N7 lINEATE +77 349
>Saint: ?ILNOTY O2 TYLOsIN +87 338
>Noah: DDEEGMN N1 GEM +23 372
#note I don't think I thought of PED 14L here. Or DElINEATED! This play does a bit better against the Q but PED feels right here, could be complicated though.
>Saint: ABDEEEU O11 BADE +34 372
#note I think Saint had this? Might've been ABDEEUU. It seems like he should play APED here.
>Noah: DDEENNO 14N D. +22 394
#note Again I didn't see DElINEATED. I think I played this pretty quickly, to avoid the Q. Champ suggests ZEN J10, saving DELINEATED while still creating a QUOD spot if I draw the Q. If I don't draw a helpful U, he has three and still needs to block QUOD to Q stick me.
>Saint: EIQU 5I .IQUE +34 406
>Noah: DEEINNO 3K ENE.. +20 414
>Saint: AAUU 11J AA +15 421
>Noah: DINO K13 DO. +18 432
>Saint: UU 2C .U. +7 428
>Noah: IN 6K IN +15 447
>Noah: (U) +2 449