Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Keith Keith
>Noah: AABDEOZ H6 AZO +24 24
>Keith: BEEGINR 7D BREE.ING +72 72
>Noah: AABDEIO 8A DOBIE +34 58
#note Chose this over AERADIO, missed AEROBIA though, and OBIA 8A.
>Keith: DKS F6 D.SK +22 94
>Noah: ?AAEGUV K7 .UAVA +18 76
>Keith: AEGLN C8 .ANGLE +20 114
>Noah: ?EEGOQU 12A OG.E +12 88
#note Missed GAZOO.
>Keith: AEFILST 14C SEALIFT +72 186
>Noah: ?AEEQRU A1 QUAvERE. +101 189
>Keith: IPUU 1A .UIPU +19 205
>Noah: IIMOOWX 15D XI +36 225
#note Didn't see MOFO yet. Also considered OXIM H12 and XI 13G. This feels good but I'm biased, could be that another play is better.
>Keith: DFO H12 DO.F +39 244
#note I did see MOFO before he played this -- alas.
>Noah: HIJMOOW E4 WHO.. +25 250
#note I think I was excited about drawing plays on column J. Didn't think of EMOJI, maybe that's best.
>Keith: HMNT A11 M.NTH +30 274
>Noah: CIJMOTY D3 JO +28 278
#note I saw MYOTIC 10A (which Dave chickened out of against me in round 3) but not 2E. It's interesting. Sets up my J and draws for AJI, but sets him up for cheap scores up there. It blocks a bingo lane, which seems like a bad thing in this matchup.
>Keith: ACIN 8K .NCIA +24 298
>Noah: CIMRTWY L11 WRY +23 301
>Keith: DOTV N7 D.VOT +11 309
>Noah: CIMNOPT O11 OPTIC +38 339
>Keith: AEEIRRT 2E TEARIER +63 372
>Noah: ALLMNRY 13G L. +6 345
#note Fishing for the blank and hoping he doesn't get in the way of both my spots. I think my time was pretty low. See a better option? He gave up a ton of points in this endgame, so given that maybe something that scores more is a better choice. But what?
>Keith: ?EINSST 3J SENT +12 384
>Noah: AELMNRY 1J LAYMEN +51 396
>Keith: ?IS 10F SIn +16 400
#note Keith announced this as twenty, which may have been guessed at rather than counted, then stopped his clock with 0 or 1 second left. Feels kind of lame. There is a penalty against this kind of thing in the NASPA rules -- it's a minor infraction. If three of those happen in the game, and are each immediately brought to the attention of the opponent, the defender can choose to gain a minute or dock the offender a minute. Seems about right, since I think a small penalty is called for. Though it's funny to think about the number of games I've played where I could've docked my opponent a minute. Doing it all those times would've been tedious.
>Keith: (R) +2 402
Player 2
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