Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse Jesse Day
#player2 Jason Jason Keller
#title 2019 NSC Round CSW26
#description Jesse Day plays Jason Keller in Round CSW26 at the 2019 NSC
>Jesse: ?AADELP 8D PArDALE +74 74
#note ah, the ol' PARDALE game...
>Jason: AADOORV 7B AVO +14 14
>Jesse: EEILNOS 6D OLEINES +66 140
#note I didn't play PARDALES because I remembered PARDALIS, and was not 100% sure that PARDALE also took the S. the 6D placement is also way more defensive, although I probably need to play the K2 one anyway for equity. this had some interesting ramifications later in the game.
>Jason: AADEORR 5H OREAD +18 32
>Jesse: ACEMRRZ 5D REZ +45 185
#note I thought ACMR slotted nicely at 4H, but Q thinks get greedy and take CAZ now.
>Jason: AGIRRUY L2 GUR.Y +20 52
>Jesse: ACEMORS 3F RACEMO.S +78 263
#note again, I didn't have to chance PARDALES/SCREAMO.
>Jason: AIINRSV H1 VA. +24 76
>Jesse: ?AINOTU M6 AUTOINg +63 326
>Jason: IILNORS 8M .IL +9 85
#note I accidentally jedi-mindtricked jason into not trying SIRLOIN!
>Jesse: ABEEFJL B6 F.LAJ +39 365
#note or JAFA at 2G, ABEEL is not a bad combo for 8s for me
>Jason: EINORSU 11G REUNIO.S +66 151
>Jesse: BEEEIPX 12E IBEX +40 405
#note no V out for VIBEX.
>Jason: HNQTTWY N6 WH.N +42 193
>Jesse: EEKNPTU 4A KEPT +44 449
>Jason: EIOQTTY E11 Q. +22 215
>Jesse: DEFIMNU 13C FINED +44 493
>Jason: BEIOTTY 14F YO +34 249
>Jesse: AGMRSTU 10F MUT +27 520
#note I was really happy to do this - I have the case S, so he can't mess with the UREDOS hook I just created. Maybe GUT instead because AMRS will bingo more.
>Jason: BEIOTTW 2B TOWIE +24 273
>Jesse: AEGHIRS J2 H. +15 535
#note best fishing leave - could be painful for him to block
>Jason: BDGINTT 4K B.ITT +15 288
>Jesse: ACEGIRS 15A GRACES +45 580
#note missed!
>Jason: DGN K10 D.NG +6 294
>Jason: (I) +2 296
Player 2
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