Player 1 |
#player1 Austin Austin Shin
#player2 Jesse Jesse Day
#title 2019 NSC Round CSW21
#description Austin Shin plays Jesse Day in Round CSW21 at the 2019 NSC
>Austin: EEFLNOT 8D FLOTE +24 24
>Jesse: ILMORST 8D .....L +9 9
#note definitely one of my favorite plays of the tournament, the perfect fish with tons of letters to bingo through. Sims best.
>Austin: CELNOQS -QL +0 24
#note I would also keep the L here, he's so close to ENCLOSED/ENCLOSER. Austin bingos 6% more often holding the L than not (76% vs 70%).
>Jesse: EIMORST H1 TIRESOM. +83 92
>Austin: CDEENOS E5 ENC.OSED +94 118
>Jesse: BEGILNY I6 BE.LYING +77 169
>Austin: ABDEINW J1 BEDAWIN +79 197
>Jesse: ?ACMNUW D11 MAW +26 195
>Austin: DFIORTY 14B FORTY +47 244
>Jesse: ?ACNOUX 1J .OXCAr +72 267
#note either burn the blank with BOXCAR or take AXON, but the board is pretty closed after AXON and I'm not convinced CU? will bingo. Q thinks AXON is only 50% to bingo next turn.
>Austin: DEIRRTV 11H V.RID +18 262
>Jesse: AHNORUV 15F URVA +26 293
#note or VAU which would've interfered with his next play.
>Austin: AEJKNRT 15A JAK +53 315
>Jesse: AHINOOU K4 HOA +33 326
#note tricky play. probably HOODIA is best even though it doesn't score as much, Austin has a tempo on me and creating a lane is good. The blank is also unseen so flipping over 5 tiles is preferable to 3.
>Austin: EINPRTU 10I .UP +18 333
>Jesse: INOQTUU D1 QUOIT +50 376
>Austin: EINNRST L4 INSERT +39 372
#note cool play by Austin after I luck into the big Q play. He realizes that he usually can't bingo even after a fish, and instead he cashes in his rack hunting for the blank.
>Jesse: AAEIINU 1B IN.UIE. +16 392
#note the idea is to flip over as many tiles as possible while not giving Austin back a bingo lane (so no URAEI or IGUANA). Q likes it!
>Austin: EEGHNTZ 12K GEEZ +40 412
#note the game is still a total tossup, he's just scoring and saving good scoring letters
>Jesse: AADIORS N12 .OA +24 416
#note trying to block giant Z overlaps
>Austin: ?EGHNPT 13L PH.T +34 446
#note he only loses if the E is in the bag...
>Jesse: AADILRS O1 .ISALDAR +77 493
#note woof
>Jesse: (?EEGN) +10 503