Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Dean_Saldanha Dean Saldanha
>JD: ATW 8G TAW +12 12
>Dean_Saldanha: EINNORS J2 RONNIES +68 68
>JD: ?AIIMTT 5E IMITA.Ts +86 98
>Dean_Saldanha: AEPV L1 VAPE. +26 94
>JD: EMOUUUW 4D UMU +18 116
#note I played through because the W seemed to score OK next turn.
>Dean_Saldanha: AGIINNR 7B INGRAIN +65 159
>JD: ELOORUW 1L .ROW +30 146
#note WROOT sims a lot better. I didn't think ELOU was much worse than ELU, but I think it has to do more with blocking column H scoring plays and saving a good draw for OVULE next turn.
>Dean_Saldanha: IQ 6B QI +64 223
>JD: CDDELOU H1 EDUC. +33 179
#note down to 18% win percentage!
>Dean_Saldanha: AGOY 3B YOGA +24 247
>JD: ?AEJKOP (challenge) +5 266
#note lucky to hit this spot
>Dean_Saldanha: ABR L10 ARB +22 269
>JD: ?AEJKOP 2A JAK +44 310
#note he almost gave me a spot for PAJOCKE!
>Dean_Saldanha: ATV M11 TAV +20 289
>JD: ?EEEIOP M1 .EE +16 326
>Dean_Saldanha: ENS 8A ENS +24 313
>JD: ?EIOOPS O1 .hOOPSIE +89 415
>JD: CDEEHLY (challenge) +5 420
>Dean_Saldanha: AFLO I3 FO.L +28 341
>JD: CDEEHLY N7 LYCH +27 447
#note 6/18 tiles left are vowels, so I'm trying to play off consonants. this play kills the sim.
>Dean_Saldanha: ADEILRS -ADEI +0 341
>JD: ADEEEXZ 2F ZE. +33 480
#note missed a great play of EX at J13, which blocks a bunch of Dean's bingos (I know he has the S from him playing ENS 3 turns ago) and sets up a nasty Z play! The Os are all gone so I can play it safely. even if he blocks I'll have great Z action. I can also played RAZEED at E7 and set up an X bomb for next turn, but I love blocking the bingo lane.
>Dean_Saldanha: DIINRST 14E NITRIDS +76 417
>JD: (challenge) +5 592
#note wow
>JD: (BEGHL) +22 614
Player 2
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