Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bryn Bryn
#player2 Zev Zev
>Bryn: ?FPQRST -FPQ +0 0
>Zev: JNU 8G JUN +20 20
>Bryn: ?GMRSTU 9H MUG +14 14
#note Far safer underneath in terms of reparallels
>Zev: ISTXY K7 XYSTI +37 57
>Bryn: ?EORSTY H4 cOST..ERY +67 81
#note I preferred this board compared to OYSTERS/STOREYS 10B. YO J6 for 22 wins the sim but with my deficit I don't like passing up bingos for such few points
>Zev: AABDLRW 6A BRADAWL. +74 131
>Bryn: ADDEIST B3 DIS.ATED +64 145
#note Legit stared at this for about 3 minutes convincing myself I wasn't a lunatic since I don't recall ever seeing it on Zyzz
>Zev: AZ 5E ZA +49 180
>Bryn: EIIKMNS A1 SKIM +49 194
>Zev: EIILOR A10 OILIER +24 204
>Bryn: AEEFINP 7D APE +28 222
#note I was aware of the danger of leaving open the C9 hotspot, but don't recall considering FE in that spot
>Zev: ABDNOU C10 ABOUND +22 226
>Bryn: EEFILNO J1 OLEFINE +73 295
>Zev: AENT 8K .ENTA +27 253
>Bryn: CFGHHLO 1H HO.CH +51 346
>Zev: OV 10F VO. +14 267
>Bryn: EFGILQR O7 F.QIR +17 363
#note Spaced on QI J11 (I vaguely considered just Q(I) in the same spot) which wins the sim, but surely FAQIR is better given Zev's range
>Zev: AEGRT N10 GATER +29 296
>Bryn: EEGILOT 15C .IGLOT +27 390
#note Sims best
>Zev: I 8A I. +6 302
>Bryn: ?AEEPUV M11 VAPE +36 426
>Zev: CER O13 REC +23 325
>Bryn: ?EUW N4 UnWE. +20 446
>Bryn: (ENNO) +8 454
Player 2
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