Player 1 |
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#player1 Austin_Ahlstrom Austin Ahlstrom
#player2 Tasha Tasha
>Austin_Ahlstrom: DIV 8G VID +14 14
#note Tasha's Endgame Misadventures Episode 17. Austin's a new player. He said he was nervous for an upcoming tourney. Since I know how I was as a "new player" I knew to be wary. He's either going to be very good or very bad. So.....NO MERCY!!!!
>Tasha: ADELNOX 7H LOX +17 17
#note I forgot about the VIDE hook which limits my scoring options. I did remember AVID, but there's nothing on column F that I should be playing. I went with LOX but in hindsight, I should keep the L.
>Austin_Ahlstrom: CENT 6I CENT +25 39
>Tasha: ADEENRS F4 ENDEARS +72 89
#note I started studying again. Sad to say, but I'm not even being sarcastic. The 7-letter bingo alphagrams with only one solution but look like they should have several have always been a weakness of mine. And since I stopped studying, missing words like ANISOLE and OILSEED became much more common. I would have played 5J DE last month.
>Austin_Ahlstrom: AIRY E9 AIRY +18 57
>Tasha: ABEGNOW D10 WAB +38 127
>Austin_Ahlstrom: AP 9H PA +18 75
>Tasha: CEGGINO C9 CIG +20 147
#note I forgot about the O hook to CENT. Funnily enough, I do remember CENTU but I don't have a U. I wouldn't have seen INCOG anyway. I should be playing GIG, not CIG. How can I see CIG, but not GIG!
>Austin_Ahlstrom: ?ELOTTU 4B rOUL.TTE +66 141
#note New player my ass. Underscored by 2.
>Tasha: EEGINOU H1 GOU. +15 162
>Austin_Ahlstrom: ?ADEIRS 1H .RADInES +80 221
#note I held this play. There's a word like this that doesn't take an S. I was thinking of GRATINES*. I didn't challenge because he's a new player. Obviously a good one, too. So he would know those high probability bingos.
>Tasha: EEEINQY D3 Q.EENY +22 184
>Austin_Ahlstrom: HO 2J HO +29 250
>Tasha: AEEIKNO B10 KA +43 227
#note This is my least favorite play of the game. I didn't play KAE or anything else longer because I didn't want to give up an easy route to the triple with so many high-point tiles unseen. I very nearly played 5J KOI. But I got greedy. But KOI is better because not only does it clean up my rack better but it takes out the only easy points Austin can use. With my K, I'm the only one that can use B10. If I take out the easy points at 5J, Austin will struggle a bit more with scoring his next turn. Wait a least I THINK I'm the only one that can use B10. I only just started studying again. As far as I know, WIWIS* may be a word by now.
>Austin_Ahlstrom: EIV 5J VIE +31 281
>Tasha: EEINNOW 4L WINE +28 255
>Austin_Ahlstrom: ADIPR O3 R.PAID +27 308
>Tasha: AENNORZ N6 ZOA +68 323
>Austin_Ahlstrom: HU 2M UH +21 329
>Tasha: EGNNRRS 6C R.N. +5 328
>Austin_Ahlstrom: IM E2 MI. +16 345
>Tasha: EGJNORS F1 JO +17 345
#note I'm not playing JOGS. JOGS may score 33 points, but that means nothing if Austin plays JOB or JAM right after.
>Austin_Ahlstrom: BTU J9 TUB +12 357
>Tasha: EGLNORS K10 NOG +18 363
#note See what I mean about missing one solution alphagrams?
>Austin_Ahlstrom: F 8M F.. +7 364
#note Blocking my bingo. Which I did see because it has two solutions, not one. :)
>Tasha: EEFLRST 13K SELF +19 382
#note The game is close and I have the dubious honor of emptying the bag. I also have to block his bingos, not give him any scoring spots, and go out in 2. I can't play the Tasha-like* 13I FESTER because ATOMISE and MOTILES are in the pool. There's also FLAMIEST at M8 so I have to use my S and play to the right, not the left. Playing long to the F at M8 blocks all bingos but I'm screwed if I don't draw one of the vowels. I basically need to play a four at 13K that keeps an E and doesn't take an S. I find SELF immediately, but I took several minutes because I wasn't sure if it took an S or not. I thought it didn't take an S, but that doesn't matter because I wouldn't have challenged anyway. So I spent several minutes trying to see if he has anything to the triple if he hooks with an S. I didn't see anything but I did wonder if something like MISTA* is now a word. He can play a 30 point play at 14L (something like MAIL or MOAT) if he has the right letters. But I HAVE to play on row 13 so it's just matter of out-scoring and making sure I have an out-in two. I took several minutes going through the pool to see if I have an outplay with any of the remaining 8 unseen tiles. AERT. B10 KARATE. N10 TREFA. AEERT. Screwed. EIRT. 14L TIER but that will definitely be blocked so I'm still screwed. ELRT. Ugh. EMRT. I'll definitely lose. EORT. Nope. ERTS. 13A RETS which is almost unblockable. ERTT. Very screwed. With SELF, it looks like I'm screwed unless the A or S is in the bag. Because of this I considered playing SEL instead of SELF, but that gives up N10 MOIST and I won't have an outplay leaving the F. (I do if I draw the A. I looked for the possibility, but didn't see it over-the-board) So I played SELF because that's the only play I found that does what I needed to do and gives me the best chance at winning the game. SELF actually sims best but I had to manually add the choice. Anyways, I NEED TO DRAW THE A OR S. I'm pretty sure he has the S, though. Please have MOTILES and not ATOMISE. Don't have AEILMST either.
>Austin_Ahlstrom: EILMOST L11 TO. +17 381
#note YES! MOTILES not ATOMISE!!! MOSTE is a word. Well, I didn't know it either.
>Tasha: AERT N10 TRE.A +20 402
#note I played TREFA instead of KARATE as a test to see if he will challenge. He didn't. If I were Nigel or someone else badass, I would have played C9 CIGARET.
>Tasha: (EILMS) +14 416
#note Final scores record as 416-379. Austin will do just fine at his first tournament I think.