Player 1 |
#player1 NL Noel Livermore
#player2 JJB John J. Bulten
>NL: CEI 8H ICE +10 10
#note [0:45] 24:15
>JJB: AACENTZ J6 ZE. +32 32
#note 1:37 [23:23] Ceaze# and teaze# would be handy here for up to 2.4 better static value, but even za 23 has a better leave instead of this duplication.
>NL: ELTUY I8 .UTELY +16 26
#note 1:39 [22:39] Less turnover and more points probably would help, such as yule k3 25.
#note 0:57 [22:26] JJB is proud of dumping his duplicate with caftan; better than captan 33 (anagram of catnap), but not as good as flatcap 36 (anagram of catflap#). The best leave though is ACNT after fap h13 32, valued 4.9 above.
>NL: ABDE H12 ABED +34 60
#note 1:10 [21:26]
#note 1:58 [20:28] Way ahead is the incredible parallel threep l1 59 (21.5 diff). Theave#, thrave, or heave here, or peh elsewhere, are also competitive, and none open the O column.
>NL: IQS O1 QIS +49 109
#note 0:36 [20:50] NL is quick to seize the lead.
>JJB: ADEEIPT L3 .EEP +44 143
#note 2:16 [18:12] Anxious not to spend too much time searching, JJB makes the best play despite the tempting bingo lanes. Later on, he has another opportunity to make use of al in the 9-tile quadruple lane.
>NL: GMOO N2 G.OOM +34 143
#note 0:30 [20:50] NL nicely keeps even in score and ahead in time after a slow start.
>JJB: ?AGIOST (challenge) +5 167
#note 2:22 [15:50] JJB finds a good Collins dump and best value (equal to g10).
>NL: AINOR G8 NORIA +15 158
#note 1:18 [19:02] NL verifies aida# for 5, then makes a flashy dump.
>JJB: ?AGIOST N9 AGOuTIS +74 241
#note 4:24 [11:26] JJB spends 4 minutes searching when only 6 more points were available (doatings#, dogstail, or dogtails). He dismisses gorditas 60, invents oasting*, dogmaist*, and ogamist*, and totally neglects the spot for grattoirs# 67.
>NL: EIW 15L WI.E +33 191
#note 1:08 [17:54]
>JJB: ?ABHKOT F9 KOB +25 266
#note 3:41 [7:45] Not bad except for time use and bouk# playing for 3 more points.
>NL: TX 12M T.X +17 208
#note 0:12 [17:42] NL here and afterward appears to be afflicted by consonants and desirous to save time for later use.
>JJB: ?ADHLTU 14F HU. +14 280
#note 2:07 [5:38] To this dumping question Quackle answers either the nice hook haen 7h 26 (acutely), or the nice leave thud 10i 16, for up to 7.5 more points. JJB thinks it's time to block, however.
>NL: J -4 +0 208
#note 0:16 [17:26] NL's racks are not currently available.
>JJB: ?ADEILT 15A TIDELAn. +86 366
#note 0:29 [5:09] With this rack the "tide" has turned, as JJB finds a pathway around his own block and draws a hold but not a challenge.
>NL: S -6 +0 208
#note 0:38 [16:48]
#note 4:46 [0:23] JJB, overwhelmed by vowels, neglects both tracking and time and is surprised from his search by the clock's demands; he sees euoi# 10 or 8 (11i), which would be better with this leave, and aitu 13l 21 is 6.9 better overall.
>NL: JMNOS H1 J.SM +62 270
>NL: JMNOS -- -62 208
#note 1:18 [15:30] NL, already hammered, falls for a temptation and JJB is pretty confident of his challenge. He has jo e10 38 available if using up his vowel.
#note 0:07 [0:16] JJB challenges in 1 second and bangs out a play in 6 more, missing such scorers as loaf 1f 40 (7.0 better).
>NL: JMNOS 1F NOM +31 239
#note ~1:10 [~14:20] Good score if retaining the J is important, surprisingly equal to 1g placement. Jomons# 13a 36 also plays for more turnover.
>JJB: EGPRRRY 13A PYR. +18 422
>JJB: EGNRRTU (challenge) +5 427
#note 0:10 [0:06] JJB continues dumping high-pointers, recognizing more turns are needed. With the challenge this is better than gyro 16, which otherwise has 2.6 better synergy.
>NL: IJRSW B10 WIR. +18 257
#note ~1:50 [~12:30] NL challenges at about 19 seconds but does not find help this late for his consonant glut.
#note 0:03 [0:03] JJB has excluded himself from the time to find gurnet 28 or to realize that it would stick NL with an unplayable J; after ends 10, our 4+18, JJB nets 40 big ones. After lunger, both players play best for 2 net to JJB (not counting NL's challenge).
>NL: DJNSS 3D J.DS +21 278
>NL: UNKNOWN (challenge) +5 283
#note ~1:36 [10:54] JJB challenges proforma just because there is no time to be totally sure.
>JJB: RT 6D R.T +5 446
#note 0:02 [0:01]
>JJB: (NS) +4 450
#note NL could not keep up and for multiple reasons was unable to score on 3 successive racks. JJB spent more time than necessary to obtain the lead with two blanks, and thus plays weakly in the end, including missing an obscure 6 that would have scored the double J in his favor. Points improvable based on tiles played: NL 0, JJB 47. Points improvable based on values: JJB 99.8.