Player 1 |
#player1 Mike Mike
#player2 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
>Mike: AIILSUY -IIUY +0 0
>Darrell_Day: CMU 8G CUM +14 14
>Mike: AAGLNSV F6 VAS +22 22
#note Sim prefers VAC G6, making two lanes that are tough to block simultaneously. Makes sense.
>Darrell_Day: EK H7 K.E +7 21
>Mike: ADGILNO I6 DA.N +19 41
#note It's hard to know what kind of leave to infer here. Either he just flat out missed KVAS (which he later said was the case), or he couldn't use the spot but decided EK is what needed to go. This feels like the way to go, constricting the right side and often forcing a low-scoring fish next turn. I'd be curious about people's opinions, it right to fish and hope to counter-bingo?
>Darrell_Day: L 7E L. +2 23
>Mike: GILORRZ -GILOR +0 41
#note Doesn't feel right to take J9 after that play. Probably could've kept a couple more tiles, but meh.
>Darrell_Day: AEGINRS 10B GAINERS +72 95
>Mike: EIOPRVZ C9 Z.IRE +48 89
>Darrell_Day: BHOT 12B B.OTH +20 115
>Mike: ELOOPRV J2 PROVE +23 112
#note I find that LR tends to have anti-synergy, but apparently LR > LO here. POOVE sims best, and I'm not sure I agree.
>Darrell_Day: EN I3 EN +8 123
>Mike: ?AADGLO D2 GOnADAL +71 183
>Darrell_Day: ANP C3 PAN +21 144
>Mike: AFILORT H1 RIF +24 207
#note FOLIAR K6 wins the sim. I'm not sure why; this seems fine.
>Darrell_Day: OOO -OOO +0 144
>Mike: ADJLMOT E3 DAM +30 237
#note TAJ B4 seems clear. I think I got spot-blind.
>Darrell_Day: EI 5J .IE +12 156
>Mike: CEEJLOT L2 JET. +22 259
#note I don't get why EJECT in this spot wins the sim. Opponent bingos more often and scores higher after that play; are the points really that precious here? I'm fine with this.
>Darrell_Day: DEGINRU M5 DUNGIER +69 225
>Mike: CELOQSU M1 COL +23 282
>Darrell_Day: BEW N10 WEB +31 256
>Mike: EILQSUW 2L ..W +26 308
#note LWEI O8 wins the sim pretty handily. Fishing is a little too cute here, and justly punished:
>Darrell_Day: AAEERTU O4 AUREATE +80 336
>Mike: EILQSSU 13L QIS +33 341
#note Running very short on time here. Playing this at 14A seems too easy to get countered back for 40+, leaving me no better off than I am now. The sim seems to prefer QUIRE 11J, leaving both lines open; I can sorta see it. This isn't bad though.
>Darrell_Day: OY 1M .OY +29 365
>Mike: EILSTUX 11E IT +16 357
#note XI 14K basically forces him to burn the blank if he has it, after which I hit a fair number of bingos at 14A. I see it now, but again, time pressure (which doesn't happen to me often).
>Darrell_Day: OY B10 .O.Y +17 382
>Mike: ELOSTUX A13 TUX +36 393
#note Didn't have time to calculate it out, but saw that EIOST didn't go out while EILOS did. As you'll soon see, however, that's not good enough to win. This is still my best shot, though, at 3/8, winning if the blank, H, or T is in the bag. (The sim has some scenario where we tie, but I can't find it playing through the endgames.)
>Darrell_Day: ?FHINOT 14C sHIFT +32 414
#note Best, and (along with sHIFT 13F) the only winning play, blocking all the spots for SOLEI that score enough.
>Mike: EILOS H12 LOSE +26 419
#note It's only a one-point punt to not go out, and this gives him a chance to accidentally transpose tiles or something. I'm not even counting it.
>Darrell_Day: NO 15D ON +11 425
>Darrell_Day: (I) +2 427