Player 1 |
#player1 JJB John J. Bulten
#player2 SH Stewart Hannah
#note 0:36 [24:24] Keeping PS (1.3) or IPS (.7) are better than S alone. Qis is the best non-trade, far below.
>SH: KLOO 8F LOOK +16 16
#note ~0:45 [~24:15]
>JJB: FIJNRSW G7 J.W +25 25
#note 0:34 [23:50]
>SH: AP F8 .AP +16 32
#note ~1:06 [23:09]
#note 1:48 [22:02] Playing S was not necessary, with fink available (4.6 better evaluation), or firkin. Finis and fins also rate better.
>SH: DTZ C10 D.TZ +28 60
#note 0:57 [22:12]
#note 1:27 [20:35] Of course pyin (by 1.3) and pye are better hooks.
>SH: ?DGIIO 15D InDIGO +30 90
#note 1:07 [21:05] Trading might have been better, according to Quackle! The pressure to use the triple word is simply not worth using the blank when it has so much bingo power.
>JJB: AAAINQR 15A QI +35 118
#note 1:20 [19:15] Qat 27 evaluates .4 higher due to the tripled leave of qi.
>SH: DEIV 13E DIVE +15 105
#note 1:58 [19:07]
#note 2:17 [16:58] JJB correctly remembers arawana, arowana, aruana, but then isn't sure because he had not seen aruana on the 5-hook list. He opts for anura, recalling that it takes no S (rather, L and N), sacrificing evaluation of 1.2.
>SH: CLU I5 LUC. +13 118
#note 1:45 [17:22]
>JJB: AEEMRUW 12A MA.E +27 160
#note 3:41 [13:17] Other overlap spots were not considered: wame 11h 34 (better by 12.9), ware d9 21, emu 11k 18, wed 10a 16. Instead JJB is thinking about mewler 22 with its vowel-heavy leave worth -11.5, and can get no benefit from mew 13j 19 (no mewer*) or improvement on arame l10 7.
>SH: HO J5 OH +28 146
#note 0:33 [16:49] SH cashes a premium he set up.
#note 1:54 [11:23] Somehow glow did not appear to have its 1.7 better valuation; wog is also better. Reglow/anural is competitive.
>SH: ?ANTU H1 AUNTs +21 167
#note 3:42 [13:07] SH feels comfortable burning the second blank; as JJB notes later, at least he is keeping even until challenges start going against him. However, in addition to many better plays that score less, junta/alow scores 1 more.
#note 0:58 [10:25] JJB is ready with the out- list. Outblare was blocked and tabouleh did not go.
>SH: ACELMNN - +0 167
#note 0:17 [12:50] SH challenges such seventies-era freewheeling. Macon rates 33.9 better.
#note 1:59 [8:26] Good find, but even better are vahine m8 32 (by 3.7) and heave 13j 31; also heaven 14i 33 (the placement of which was merely overlooked).
>SH: ACELMNN -- -33 167
#note 1:01 [11:49] SH asks about the correct spelling after the game. The parallel play enamel 11i was available for 34.0 better value.
#note 2:13 [6:13] JJB challenges after 10 seconds and then finds this nice dump. Quackle finds the nicer dump nitrify 28 (5.9 diff).
>SH: ACELMNN A1 CAN.E +21 188
#note 1:29 [11:49] The long play that neither player found afterward was ancone 24. Better were macon, melon, lemon, celom, and meno. Best were parallels neem 29 (by 15.8) and enamel.
>JJB: ABEEIRS D2 EB. +16 336
#note 2:22 [3:51] JJB finds no bingo but doesn't realize that bier l1 27 (2.1 diff) and luckie i5 13 are better fishes.
>SH: ILMNO K8 MINO. +14 202
#note 1:18 [9:02] Analysis reveals SH had at least the nice parallel moulin 32. The played tiles also yielded nomoi 20, better by 6.
>JJB: AEIRSST 10F .SI +19 355
#note 1:08 [2:43] At least JJB can be confident there are no bingos (sugariest did not quite come together like it would in Collins), but in his earlier review of canoe extensions he missed canoeist (1.6 better than psi).
>SH: DEEILRS L3 ERSE +21 223
>SH: DEEILRS -- -21 202
#note 2:18 [6:44] SH is tricked by a capitalized crossword word. For this bingo rack, end i11 18 is the best fish (27.9 better than passing).
>JJB: AEGRSTX 10M .X +25 380
#note 1:23 [1:20] JJB takes 0:23 to be sure of making a challenge, then finds the best value in 1:00 more. Ex 38 (AGRST) trails behind ex 25 (AEGRST), and JJB notes it as very risky (in fact, it permits the possibility of resoled 68).
>SH: DEEILRS 14I DELI +10 212
#note 2:49 [3:55] Having no bingo, SH empties the bag, not necessarily a bad choice. Quackle rates law 9e 6 as 24.0 better, but JJB seems to have used up all the bingo lines for that. Li j9 10 allows greased 14i 84 and there are probably other long shots.
#note 0:55 [0:25] With incorrect tracking JJB grabs the triple as both players have been doing all game. SH has a response of sourer or rouser 24+6, a net of -7 for JJB. Blocking with gaurs 26 leaves only the response of errors 12+6, a net of 8.
>SH: EORRS L5 SORE +17 229
#note ~0:55 [~3:00] Good crosswording, but finding the outplays would have been worth 35 in spread, as JJB is threatening veg/ex 16+2.
>JJB: EG 7C GE. +9 412
#note 0:16 [0:09] JJB has no time to find the best out and settles quickly for 7 less.
>JJB: (R) +2 414
#note SH kept up until the specialized vocabulary became an issue in the second half. JJB found a familiar bingo but made only 3 optimal plays throughout, by static evaluation. Points improvable based on tiles played: JJB 22, SH 55. Points improvable based on values: JJB 58.7.