Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jacks jacks
#player2 kenji kenji
>jacks: ABDDGNT -BDDG +0 0
>kenji: ?CEEIOZ 8D COZIE +38 38
#note kenji had CEEIOZ? and he picked up COZIE when his tiles were alphabetized - I should have noticed that he had a tile after the Z on his rack, which must have been a blank!
>jacks: ABFNRTU E4 TURB.FAN +102 102
>kenji: ?EEGKLS 10B KLE.GlES +76 114
#note I saw KEGLErS but wasn't sure enough considering that I liked this better positionally. I figured it was about 3 points better and wasn't willing to risk it for 3 points.
>jacks: AEEEGIQ D3 QI +26 128
>kenji: AHORTTY 11H THROATY +83 197
>jacks: AEEEEGN 12L GEE +21 149
#note hate playing this cause of underlaps and it kinda killing things, but at least there are plays off COZIE that will keep the board fairly open. this is kinda reluctant but what else?
>kenji: AOPRTTU 10L TUP +32 229
#note It's close between this and UPO. OTOH this is just better equity. otoh, that line can get annoying in the long run. I'm okay with my play but I can see going for UPO as well.
>jacks: AEEENNP C9 P.ANE +20 169
>kenji: AAORTUY B10 .AURY +30 259
>jacks: CEEIJNO A12 JEON +83 252
>kenji: AFMOORT I7 FRO.. +33 292
>jacks: ACEIIIU -ACIIIU +0 252
#note kinda consonant heavy pool so keeping E is fine
>kenji: AHMNOST O5 MONTHS +39 331
>jacks: ?AEILTX 4B AX..E +12 264
#note felt that j5 AXE would just get me burned - either big plays on kolumn K/N, or a play through the A that kills my bingo opportunities. AXITE is at least hard to deal with an makes more lanes and keeps things open, I expect to still be down after a bingo no matter what. obv I'm not convinced of this but I would appreciate insight
>kenji: ADGORWW N4 WOW +34 365
>jacks: ?EIILNT A1 LINTIEr +85 349
>kenji: ABDGIMR O12 DRIB +35 400
>jacks: ADDLNSV M3 VAN +22 371
#note I should probably leave the 3 row open, it's hard for him to close. I hated all my options - DAV(E)N? that puts pressure on at least, it's probably better than VAN. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't have a good TAGS block, but he can always do a mediocre one from the G in KLEAGLES or with ETA, and then I have to bingo on some terrible marginal lane. I think I got too obsessed with staying in bingo range, DAVEN isn't likely to win but at least I will be able to have a place to bingo. I think B4 ADD is good as well, keeping the 3 row and 13 rows open. either one of those seem way better than VAN #strategylarge
>kenji: ADGIMOV M9 M...D +22 422
#note I think I just wanted the V for defense, but... no. There are other ways of blocking setups and DIMO is just too flexible. I guess the really bad draws are worse with that leave, but you can't run in fear forever. That being said, Quackle's estimation of this position is crazy.
>jacks: DDELLRS B6 DEL +16 387
#note I didn't actually see it but this goes for (L)ORDLESS. I don't like any play more, just not setting any good options
>kenji: AAGIOSV J5 OVA +19 441
#note Thought about trying to find something like LAOGAIS but this is just better. It's not ideal to give Jackson fishing options, but it's better to give him two shots at the L rather than one shot at line J.
>jacks: DEIILRS J11 .ID +4 391
>kenji: ACGIOSU 13G GUI.S +10 451
#note I wanted to protect myself an I draw, but probably should just play GAUD or GUACOS anyway, or maybe GUID without the S.
>jacks: AEIILRS G2 AIS +18 409
>kenji: ACEO 14E ECO +14 465
>jacks: EILR 15G RILE +16 425
>jacks: (A) +2 427
Player 2
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