Player 1 |
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#player1 jackson jackson
#player2 peters peters
>jackson: IILNRTU H7 RUTILIN +66 66
>jackson: IILNRTU -- -66 0
#note obv tilted now at 10-10 and basically don't give a fuck. I play this game horribly. I see this phamous phony and I'm like I don't want to play UNTIL, let me bingo
>peters: ?DEHITV 8C THrIVED +84 84
>jackson: IILNRTU G8 .ITULIN +12 12
#note get this phony by this time. sets up an S trap and an E hook he may not know. might be too far in the same direction as last turn, I am lucky it worked out. INTUI(T) or LI(T)U seem like my best other options (prob LITU to go ham on bingo %), this seemed to have way more upside
>peters: AEEIKPR 7H PEAKIER +73 157
>jackson: CEEOORU 15D COOEE +41 53
>peters: ABY 6H ABY +40 197
>jackson: ADEIORU L4 AUD.O +14 67
#note I probably need to do N5 OU(R) here, I need two bingoes to get back in here. that also does the mose for the board longterm, makes it hard to close everything. AUDIO sims well but I need to go harder on bingoes. #findingsmall
>peters: CDHOR I11 CHORD +21 218
>jackson: ?EIJRTT 5B JuTTIER +82 149
>jackson: ?EIJRTT -- -82 67
#note nice defense with CHORD. this is a very tilty play, I had memorizes the J?TTY variations and had I thought at all I would have remembered that the blank needs to be an E. #knowledgelarge
>peters: ILMN 5E LIMN +18 236
>jackson: ?EIJRTT N2 JITTE.eR +82 149
>jackson: ?EIJRTT -- -82 67
#note meh thought this might be good #knowledgelarge
>peters: MPSU 12I .UMPS +24 260
>jackson: ?EIJRTT 4A TRIJET +32 99
#note hoping he has all consonants and cannot block the triple triple
>peters: AABDEIR A1 BAI. +18 278
>jackson: ?DEFILO N3 FLuO.IDE +65 164
#note OUTFIELD is better #findinglarge
>peters: OSX O8 SOX +48 326
>jackson: ANRRSUY O1 RYA +23 187
>peters: AAEFGNS B1 AE +12 338
>jackson: GGNQRSU C3 G.G +10 197
#note going for BANQUETS
>peters: ENO 13L EON +14 352
>jackson: NOQRSUW K9 WOR. +18 215
#note banquets again
>peters: AEGIRTZ 14K ZETA +38 390
>jackson: ANQSSUV 6A VAS +14 229
>peters: AEEGIRW A6 .EG +21 411
>jackson: AEFNQSU K1 QUEAN +34 263
#note AN is optimal, doing an out in three!
>peters: ILNNRTW 12C TWIR. +16 427
>jackson: FS E3 S..F +7 270
#note just OF then ZETAS is better by 2
>jackson: (LNN) +6 276