Game Details
Player 1
#player1 treinke treinke
#player2 jacks jacks
>treinke: EIIORUY -EIIO +0 0
>jacks: ?BEIUUV -BIUUV +0 0
>treinke: ?AEMNPT 8D PuTAMEN +76 76
>jacks: ?ADEIKN D8 .ANIcKED +82 82
>treinke: BEEI 15A BEE.I +24 100
>jacks: ABCIOOW 7G BOW +35 117
>treinke: AU 13B AU. +14 114
>jacks: ACGIOTW B10 COW.G. +36 153
>treinke: ADEIISS K5 DAISIES +93 207
>jacks: AFIMOQT 6F QAT +42 195
>treinke: ADGJ 10G GADJ. +30 237
>jacks: AFIIMOR J5 IF +29 224
>treinke: CX 11B .X.C +26 263
>jacks: AHIMORU J10 .ORUM +22 246
#note should just do HOURI, forks the board some and I probably need the lanes. His range isn't super strong after OXIC cause the board is dead, in fact he had ILRRY. I was happy with JORUM but HOURI seems like the best thing to do for the board. #visionsmall
>treinke: RRUY 14J .URRY +20 283
>jacks: AEHILST 15H HASTE +47 293
>treinke: LO C9 LO. +19 302
>jacks: EILRRST A7 RELIT +35 328
#note thought about RITE as well to not give a lane. My position isn't so good that I need to take that away, and RELIT is quitre a bit better for me.
>treinke: AEINZ M9 ZANIE. +50 352
>jacks: AGORSTV 12L V.G +14 342
#note super tough to deal with this, I have the case A and S
>treinke: ILLNPRT I1 PRILL +12 364
#note actual rack. I can see wanting to make the board really dynamic after my setup.
>jacks: AEIORST 1G SE.TORIA +83 425
>treinke: HN 13I H.N +13 377
>jacks: EEFOOOY L4 FOY +32 457
#note GOOEY is an out in two!
>treinke: DENNTUV N1 .DVENT +24 401
>jacks: EEOO 9M .OO +12 469
>treinke: NU O4 NU +8 409
>treinke: (EE) +4 413
Player 2
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