Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Bryn_Bowen Bryn Bowen
>Matthew_Larocque: AIOVWYY H7 WAVY +26 26
>Bryn_Bowen: ?EEHILT G2 sHEITEL +72 72
#note I could not remember if SHELTIE had an anagram, but eventually it vaguely came back to me.
>Matthew_Larocque: AAIOOUY -AAIOOUY +0 26
#note F4 YOU for 19 can't really be a viable alternative, clogging the board up with 4 vowels in hand.
>Bryn_Bowen: HNU F5 HUN +23 95
>Matthew_Larocque: ADEEEGI H1 GIED +35 61
>Bryn_Bowen: ILLR 1H .RILL +7 102
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AAEEOS E4 AA +16 77
>Bryn_Bowen: IIIII -IIIII +0 102
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEEMOS E7 AwESOME +73 150
#note The only other bingo is a 9 letter word.
>Bryn_Bowen: KOPR D1 PORK +38 140
>Matthew_Larocque: EEIPRTU D9 RIPE +28 178
#note EDEMATOSE. On this turn, Q like REPUTE in the same spot. Seems like a gamble I don't need to make; it's not like there are equally dangerous scoring opportunities elsewhere on the board. UTERI looks okay though.
>Bryn_Bowen: EOZ 10G O.EZ +36 176
>Matthew_Larocque: AEILTTU 11I LATU +21 199
#note I didn't see TAU? I even have the extra T for TAUT.
>Bryn_Bowen: UX C10 XU +24 200
>Matthew_Larocque: EIJNNRT L10 J.N +20 219
>Bryn_Bowen: ADEGR 12J GA.DER +24 224
>Matthew_Larocque: CEINORT N8 NEOT.RIC +74 293
#note I really expected Quackle to like TRICORNE better. It just seemed like the kind of play Quackle would like.
>Bryn_Bowen: ADW 8L WA.D +36 260
>Matthew_Larocque: AACGNQS 15L CA.A +33 326
#note Yes it is.
>Bryn_Bowen: IIIOOUV -BOOOOUV +0 260
>Matthew_Larocque: DEGNQST M7 Q.T +26 352
>Bryn_Bowen: BESY 13G BYES +27 287
>Matthew_Larocque: DEGNNRS H12 R.ND +27 379
#note Or DYNE, but I wanted to keep the E...
>Bryn_Bowen: FO 14F FO. +18 305
>Matthew_Larocque: EGINOSV 1H .....ING +30 409
>Bryn_Bowen: BF 14M F.B +17 322
>Matthew_Larocque: EIOOSUV K1 .OUIE +10 419
#note Quackle likes short plays, especially U(P)O. Don't know what I'm missing.
>Bryn_Bowen: EIMOSTT C2 MOST +27 349
#note Fortunately my out stays open.
>Matthew_Larocque: INOSV 4J V.SION +20 439
>Matthew_Larocque: (EIT) +6 445
Player 2
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