Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Jeff_Fiszbein Jeff Fiszbein
>Matt_Canik: HNNNRUU -HNNUU +0 0
#note Q's simulation slightly prefers NUN. JS tells me that he prefers that board shape against a lower seed, but I also feel like I don't want a bunch of one-pointers that don't really bingo that often. Sim has nun up by less than a point #strategysmall I suppose?
>Jeff_Fiszbein: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Matt_Canik: ADIIMNR H4 MIDAIR +24 24
#note Playing 6 tiles is usually not what you want to do after x4 or less, but I'm really not feeling the alternatives of DIM, MI, or MID
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AEEHNST G6 ETHANES +76 76
>Matt_Canik: EHINNOP H12 HONE +42 66
#note Duplicates make me blind. Hold INN and score 6 more with HOPE! #strategysad
>Jeff_Fiszbein: GIRZ F3 GRIZ +67 143
>Matt_Canik: EIINPRU 4A PUNIE. +22 88
#note Q sims PUNI(SH) better by 2. Not sure I agree that I can leave the board open with this deficit, but I'm not sure #tacticalsad or #questionable maybe and someone smart tell me what to do please
>Jeff_Fiszbein: KOR I13 KOR +27 170
>Matt_Canik: EIILSTU J7 UTILISE +66 154
#note Well that was fortunate
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AGUV 11C VAGU. +18 188
>Matt_Canik: ADGLLMN 5E L.M.NG +35 189
#note LIMINAL is so clearly the play #knowledgesaddest
>Jeff_Fiszbein: DOTV 11I D.VOT +18 206
>Matt_Canik: ACDLNRY A4 .ANDY +33 222
#note I guess this is fine? so many options that are all exactly the same
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AABJX C2 BA.JAX +60 266
>Matt_Canik: CELORSW 8J .ROWEL +30 252
#note I think I have to go bigger here and play the S, which is otherwise pretty useless on this board. TOWELS looks right probably #tacticalsmall
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?AIOOTU E7 AUTO.IrO +58 324
>Matt_Canik: ?ACFNSY 12L FAY +30 282
#note Can't play CYANS and AUTOGIROS, that all but guarantees that I lose by like 20
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ADEIOPQ D1 QI +25 349
>Matt_Canik: ?CENPST N2 PECTiN.S +72 354
#note Can't make myself pull the trigger on PoTENCES for 4 more. No 9s available but I spent way too much time looking and trying to talk myself out of SERPENTIC* #knowledgesad
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EERT 13L TREE +25 374
>Matt_Canik: ABEEEFL D11 .BELE +27 381
#note No time to think through this one thoroughly - I just decided to make his 15A plays as difficult as possible and thought there's an outside chance I pull a challenge. looks like BEEFAL(O) might be better?
>Jeff_Fiszbein: CDIORSW M1 COW +30 404
>Matt_Canik: AEFO F14 OE +9 390
#note hooray optimal endgames with no time!
>Jeff_Fiszbein: DIRS I3 DI.S +25 429
>Matt_Canik: AF O1 FA +20 410
>Matt_Canik: (R) +2 412