Player 1 |
#player1 q q
#player2 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
>q: AEFHOPR 8G FOH +18 18
>Evan_Yurko: ADEINOR 9G ANEROID +76 76
#note 9e aneroid for 2 less is probably better because it doesnt give up cheap points
>q: AEKPRVY 8L PAVE +46 64
>Evan_Yurko: ?BEGOSU 10B OUtBEGS +73 149
>q: IIKNQRY C9 Q.IRKY +64 128
>Evan_Yurko: CGIMOTU 14B M.OTIC +30 179
#note probably better than gumbo right? gu is pretty gross but it scores 10 more, champ likes it 2nd
>q: ADEINNW 15D WAN +23 151
>Evan_Yurko: GNRTUYZ 12A GU.RY +22 201
>q: DEIJLNO 15A JO +31 182
>Evan_Yurko: EINNTVZ M8 ..VENT +20 221
#note maybe 10m zin? this seems fine
>q: ADEILLN 12G LANDLI.E +70 252
>Evan_Yurko: BEIINTZ D8 ZI. +32 253
>q: DEGMRRS 11K EM.RG +26 278
>Evan_Yurko: BEILNTX 11E EX +43 296
>q: DDEIRSS H12 .DS +18 296
>Evan_Yurko: ABILNTT 7I TAB +13 309
#note blit(he) is better
>q: ADEIIRS 10M .IA +16 312
>Evan_Yurko: ILLNOOT K5 LO. +10 319
#note didnt like this but couldnt generate a candidate that i liked better
>q: DEINRSW 4E WINDERS +69 381
>Evan_Yurko: AEILNOT 3C ELATION +84 403
>q: AHP 5D HAP +33 414
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEEITU - +0 403
#note interesting 1 in the bag endgame. obviously we have auditee in 2 spots. I correctly figured out that auditee 2i loses only with an f or t draws so 6/8 it wins, auditee b1 loses with an f and an o (because of the 3x3 factures) so thats clearly out of the question. passing only loses with an f, as auditee comes 11 points short. but one thing i failed to consider was if i weren't playing quackle my opponent would just pass back because i would lose in a 6 pass. but since im playing quackle, quackle doesnt generate passing as a candidate unless no plays are valid, unless you imput passing as a candidate and sim it wont consider it. so against quackle it wins 7/8, but in a real game where your opponent would probably pass back it is incorrect. passing wins 79%, 2i wins 75%, and b1 win 62%
>q: CEORSTU 2H COUTERS +81 495
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEEITU B1 AUdITEE +73 476
>Evan_Yurko: (F) +8 484