Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kenji Kenji
#player2 Siri Siri
>Kenji: KLOORSW 8E WORK +22 22
#note I feel like I'm going to make better use of this than Siri.
>Siri: GNT F7 T.NG +9 9
>Kenji: EEEILOS 9C LEO.E +15 37
>Siri: QSU I8 SUQ +25 34
>Kenji: AEEFGIS 8A FIE +20 57
>Siri: AHMP 11D PHAM +28 62
>Siri: AHMP -- -28 34
>Kenji: AEEGJSU 11C JUGA +30 87
>Siri: AHIMNPU B10 HAP +29 63
>Kenji: EEIIOSV C11 .IVE +32 119
#note I really did not want to play JIVE, but I thought JOE was just over the top. Turns out, not really.
>Siri: BIMNRSU B14 HM +24 87
>Kenji: ?EILLOS J9 nIELLOS +74 193
#note hILLOES is just better. Probably the only time this tournament that I noticed what I missed right after I hit my clock. That being said, it's not the worst mistake especially considering HM came down the turn before.
>Siri: AFNW 15F FAWN. +33 120
>Kenji: ABEORYZ 12J .AZY +32 225
#note I considered a lot here: this was probably the longest turn of the game. Ultimately, I just wanted the option to block UNS if I saw something next turn I didn't like, and that was the deciding factor.
>Siri: EIV K11 T.O +12 132
>Kenji: ABEOORS 14F OBA +23 248
>Siri: CDDEEIV M9 BUR. +12 144
>Kenji: CEORRSY N3 SORCERY +75 323
#note Stopped recording: Final score 522-303
#rack2 CDDEEIV
Player 2
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