Player 1 |
#player1 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
#player2 kevin_ng kevin ng
>Evan_Yurko: AACIRVW H7 VAW +18 18
#note airvac is probably better bbecause it leads to a more open board, which probably benefits me vs kevin
>kevin_ng: EOOR 9H .OOER +9 9
>Evan_Yurko: ACILRST M3 CITRALS +82 100
>kevin_ng: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 9
>Evan_Yurko: BBLNNRU K4 RUBBL. +20 120
#note saw nubbin as a joke, and didnt know nubble
>kevin_ng: IQS 10F QIS +42 51
>Evan_Yurko: AAINNPT 11E PIN +23 143
#note lmao pain wtf
>kevin_ng: LW J9 .WL +14 65
>Evan_Yurko: ?AANOTT 12C TAO +10 153
#note wasnt sure of anattos, but was sure of arnatto
>kevin_ng: EIPRSTU C8 SPUT.IER +76 141
#note i really did not like this, but knew there was a bingo in that alphagram, which is the easy find purtiest. i also thought he wouldve see peritus so i let it go
>Evan_Yurko: ?ANOTUY 15A TO.Y +33 186
#note no autogeny
>kevin_ng: IX 8A XI. +30 171
#note he set this down and hit is clock and we both chuckled a bit, he realized he missed xi after he hit his clock
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEGNUY 14B Y.A +27 213
#note no autogeny again
>kevin_ng: EIU 11J .IEU +8 179
>Evan_Yurko: ?EEGNRU 4D UNEaGRE. +70 283
>Evan_Yurko: ?EEGNRU -- -70 213
#note not sure what compelled me to play this. i thougt uneager and uneagre were both good, this looks awful. somewhat glad he challenged so i didnt have to look at my awful phony all game
>kevin_ng: GV 10B V.G +15 194
>Evan_Yurko: ?EEGNRU 8M .UG +12 225
#note this or ruing both seem totally reasonable
>kevin_ng: DIN O5 DIN. +6 200
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEENOR 4D REAsONE. +66 291
>kevin_ng: HM 12L HM +28 228
>Evan_Yurko: ADEEHIO 5D EH +22 313
#note probably hao
>kevin_ng: EGR H1 ERG. +15 243
>Evan_Yurko: ADEINOO G1 OE +6 319
#note shouldve played nardoo just for dusty lmao
>kevin_ng: DF 8G F.D +10 253
>Evan_Yurko: ADIMNNO 14B ...N +7 326
#note i though this was a fairly clever block
>kevin_ng: EFZ 6B FEZ +35 288
>Evan_Yurko: ADIKMNO 2C DAIK.. +21 347
#note moniker wouldve been nice, i had less than a minute at this point so i just slapped down any play
>kevin_ng: JO J2 JO. +26 314
>Evan_Yurko: ?ADEMNO 13M MOD +26 373
>kevin_ng: A O13 .A +3 317
#note probably the only way kevin wins. nice play
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEEEIN 14M AN. +18 391
>kevin_ng: ACLNSTT 1A CLAN +27 344
>Evan_Yurko: ?EEEI 2J .EE +10 401
>kevin_ng: STT 12C ...S +16 360
>Evan_Yurko: ?EI O2 ElI.... +9 410
>Evan_Yurko: (TT) +4 414