Player 1 |
#player1 wilma wilma
#player2 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
>wilma: AAEL H8 ALAE +8 8
>Evan_Yurko: ?ENRUVX I6 VEX +23 23
#note somehow managed to miss unvexed and vexer :/
>wilma: AEL J7 LEA +15 23
>Evan_Yurko: ?DNRSUZ 10J DURN +18 41
#note maybe k4 nurds? this seems fine
>wilma: MORT K9 T.MOR +16 39
>Evan_Yurko: ?AOOSUZ 10F ZO. +32 73
#note azo seemed way too aggressive especially when playing against a lower rated player. maybe ouzo but wilma could certainly have an s
>wilma: AH L10 .AH +26 65
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEOSUU -OUU +0 73
#note aqueous is a tough find especially when you dont bother to take the time to look for it
>wilma: CP 11G P.C +11 76
>Evan_Yurko: ?AEGLRS 12A GLAiRES +73 146
>wilma: EEINT A7 TEEIN. +21 97
>Evan_Yurko: EFLOPUW B10 FE.LOW +55 201
>wilma: OY A14 YO +35 132
>Evan_Yurko: AEEEPSU -AEEU +0 201
#note urea, pee, and eau are certainly worth playing through
>wilma: BR E11 B.R +10 142
>Evan_Yurko: AAEENPS B5 APE +13 214
#note m8 pane is champions choice
>wilma: V B4 V... +9 151
>Evan_Yurko: AEHNSTW C5 HAW +32 246
>wilma: CDU K5 CUD +16 167
>Evan_Yurko: EEINNST 4F INTENSE +73 319
#note tennesi is probably a bit safer
>wilma: DENQSTU F1 SQU.NTED +90 257
>Evan_Yurko: GIIIORU 1A GUIRO. +24 343
>wilma: AJY D4 JAY +40 297
>Evan_Yurko: FIIIKOR M5 FIRKI. +15 358
#note i thought this would get challenged plus it closes intenser and durns lines
>wilma: OOT H1 TOO. +12 309
>Evan_Yurko: BDEIIIO M12 OI +10 368
#note this only wins with the s or the blank because an a draw leads to gnomist (though i doubt she would find that), a g draw gives her titanism, an i draw gives her amongst, an m gives her toasting, an n draw gives her sigmate n1, s wins, t leads to organism, and blank wins. so vs an expert it wins 2/8 but in actuality it probably wins 4/8, maybe 5/8 if she would find amongst. well, considering i found the only play that wins at all, i think the 15+ minutes i spent on it were well worth it. best preendgame
>wilma: ?AGIMNT C12 .IM +22 331
>Evan_Yurko: BDEIIS 14G BIDIS +18 386
>wilma: ?AGNT 15E GNAT +25 356
>Evan_Yurko: E 7I ...E. +6 392
>Evan_Yurko: (?) +0 392