Player 1 |
#player1 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
#player2 ken ken
>Evan_Yurko: AAAEORR -AAAOR +0 0
>Evan_Yurko: AEEORRY H7 YORE +14 14
>ken: ?ADIKNS 10C KNAID.lS +66 66
>Evan_Yurko: ADDELRR D8 DA.DER +20 34
#note darkled -10, didnt know it
>ken: IT C7 TI +6 72
>Evan_Yurko: GGLLOQR -GGLLQ +0 34
>ken: ARTZ B5 TZAR +39 111
>Evan_Yurko: EEHIORT 11B HI.E +26 60
#note terrible. mssing theories/theorise, didnt even aphagram it, saw hotelier but realized it made ot, not to mention i completely spaced on irid
>ken: IM A7 MI +32 143
>Evan_Yurko: EEOORRT B11 .OER +14 74
>ken: OX A14 OX +29 172
>Evan_Yurko: ADEOORT 9F TO.EADOR +72 146
#note only bing
>ken: IPP 8J PIP +25 197
>Evan_Yurko: ELLOOVW M5 LOWE. +20 166
#note uhhhh lover? to keep the w for n6. played awful this game
>ken: HM G6 HM +20 217
>Evan_Yurko: BEFLOVY N4 FOY +32 198
>ken: IIII -IIII +0 217
>Evan_Yurko: ABELUUV O1 UVEA +30 228
#note missed uvula a1
>ken: ACEFR A1 FARCE +41 258
>Evan_Yurko: BGIILNU -BILU +0 228
#note rub is probably the play here, i felt i needed to bingo asap but really i just need to stay in scoring range
>ken: J 12A J. +17 275
>Evan_Yurko: GIINNNQ 1A .INNING +12 240
#note i figured i would try fiinnings later
>ken: ?BEITW 5F BoWTIE +27 302
#note bowtie is actually no good!i held for a bit but i remember it was challenged of correctly in a florence tourney
>Evan_Yurko: ABEELLQ I3 QA. +22 262
#note this kind of sucked because 1) it blocked finnings 2) i cant hit qat 4j and 3) keeps badly but nothing here is good so this is best
>ken: EV 13D .EV +6 308
>Evan_Yurko: BEELLSU 13D ...EL +9 271
#note opening a 2nd bingo line while still holting tjngs i can hit like sublate
>ken: AGIO H13 .OG +12 320
#note he set down agio 12h
>Evan_Yurko: BCELNSU 12H CLUBS +34 305
#note club is better to leave 1 in the bag and keep the s, i was just concered with spread here and figured ill definitely win plwnty games later today (as it turns out i had a terrible day)
>ken: ST 8J ....TS +30 350
>Evan_Yurko: AENNTUU 3I .UEAN +28 333
#note did not know unguenta
>ken: AGILS 10M SAG +15 365
>Evan_Yurko: NTU 3A .UNT +8 341
>Evan_Yurko: (IL) +4 345