Game Details
Player 1
#player1 nigelbo nigelbo
#player2 cesar cesar
>nigelbo: ADN 8G DAN +8 8
>cesar: AGIRTUZ J6 ZIG +39 39
>nigelbo: AEJN K4 JEAN +35 43
>cesar: ANORTTU L1 UNTO +28 67
>nigelbo: DEOW M3 OWED +33 76
>cesar: ?AEERRT 2F REcREA.T +70 137
#note this bingo is the most immediately defensive in the short term, but not long term. it's hard to block the high scoring bingo lane it creates without sacrificing a lot. i wonder if i should play recanter instead.
>nigelbo: ?ACEEIU N6 EUCAInE +67 143
>cesar: CEHISUY 8L YU.H +48 185
#note it's between yuch and huic here, but annoyingly i insta-played YUCH instead of considering them both. i think HUIC might have a small edge here because it's more defensive. #strategysmall
>nigelbo: DIPR O12 DRIP +32 175
>cesar: CEIPSTT M8 .P +14 199
#note i always struggle a bit with making obvious fishes like this but it seemed to work with a lot of letters, and through the A, etc. quackle prefers N1 PST for 29 or O7 PHT for 14. i think i would have played PHT if i'd thought of it. -2.5 #tacticssmall #visionsmall
>nigelbo: AILW M12 WAIL +21 196
>cesar: CEISTTX O4 TIX +22 221
#note 3F EX is fine here! no need to sacrifice that many points. -7 #strategymedium
>nigelbo: AQT L11 QAT +42 238
>cesar: CELLOST H4 COLL.TES +63 284
>nigelbo: DEFR 10F FR.ED +21 259
>cesar: FGIIOTV 7D VIGI. +14 298
#note 7D VIGIL scores one more and is slightly more defensive. -1.5 #tacticssmall
>nigelbo: EOV 11D VOE +17 276
>cesar: AAFNOOT 1C AFOOT +16 314
#note i'm too chicken to leave that lane open too much longer. i don't know, i always struggle to call these big mistakes because i purposely chose to block a lane given his last play. i suppose i should look at the pool, he may be consonant heavy after his last play VOE so maybe i should just play FONTAL for 14 more and take consonants. if he bingoes after AFOOT, i didn't score enough to outrun it. AFOOT only cuts his avg score by 1.5. -7.5 #strategymedium
>nigelbo: MMNNN -MMNNN +0 276
>cesar: AEGKMNR E4 MAK.NG +26 340
#note MARKING is better than MAKING cuz of the pool, i think. quackle still doesn't like blocking, instead playing 15H MANGEL to open another lane? i really disagree, i think hitting the L would be a lot harder than a wide open lane with MANGEL, and another lane in row 3 or 4. 3B RAGMEN seems to be the best play that blocks the lanes in the top left, and it keeps the K for scoring. -5 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
>nigelbo: AMS O1 MAS... +45 321
#note nice
>cesar: BEHIORR D5 HO.E +25 365
#note many-ply sim prefers K12 HERO or HERB. those give up a bingo less than 1% of the time (ennobler/bluesier/blousier), but i suppose they provide better insurance because of the bad BIRR leave? also, leaving 2 in the bag with HOVE gives him one additional chance to fish. i just hate the idea of giving him any bingo at all and would rather take the win. i don't think i can realistically lose with BIRR, so i don't understand why quackle gives it only a 71% win chance. i suppose if i'm playing for spread i should play HERO? #nomistake #itsfine
>nigelbo: E 13K E.. +3 324
>cesar: BBIORRU 15J BIR. +7 372
#note J13 BUR is probably fine, i just have to be great at iterating through the bingos to make sure i'm not missing anything. i saw lysines/linseys so i definitely have to block. -6 #knowledgemedium
>nigelbo: EINY D11 .EINY +30 354
>cesar: BORSU 15A BUO.S +30 402
#note gives up a lot of spread (17 pts!) by letting him go out. #endgamelarge #time
>nigelbo: LNS 13C L.NS +8 362
>nigelbo: (R) +2 364
Player 2
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