Game Details
Player 1
#player1 marcela marcela
#player2 jacks jacks
>marcela: CFIKL H4 FLICK +36 36
>jacks: AELRRTU 6C RURAL.TE +62 62
>marcela: DELMPP D4 PL.MPED +34 70
>jacks: AAIOOOU -AIOOOU +0 62
#note looks like keeping nothing is better
>marcela: GOO 8A GOO. +21 91
>jacks: AEIMNSY E5 A.MY +39 101
>marcela: AIR 5H .ARI +12 103
>jacks: ?EINSTU A1 qUESTIN. +77 178
#note I didn't consider the K as a lane! KUNZITES scores 9 more. definitely more open than I'd like but it's worth the 9 points I think
>marcela: GINW C8 .WING +25 128
>jacks: ADEFNNT B8 .AF +35 213
>marcela: JSU 12A JU.S +40 168
>jacks: ADENNRT A12 .ANE +33 246
>marcela: OW B14 OW +19 187
>jacks: DEINRTT 4H .RITT +24 270
#note definitely FRITTED - I wasn't sure of it. FRITT makes an S hook that is hard to block, so even though FRITTED opens a bit more right now, it can be closed down more easily.
>marcela: ABDHIRX -ABDH +0 187
>jacks: ADEEEHN 7H .EDE +18 288
#note kinda regret my decision. the plan was to open a spot for her to play on row 8 to the triple so that I could make a play on the N column to block FRITTS and the new lanes she creates. that being said this gives back way more immediately with the D and R hooks and also some occasional SQU- plays, and when she gets an immediate bingo off of cede the board will be really open for her comeback. I think given my huge lead it is better to play ACED and accept that FRITTS will get hit at some point - if I was up by less I may want to do CEDE since the hook would be more threatening
>marcela: EHIRT 8K THEIR +38 225
>jacks: AAEGHNN 7M HAE +23 311
>marcela: INOT B1 INTO +17 242
>jacks: AGINNUV 9J VAIN +23 334
>marcela: OX E10 OX +26 268
>jacks: BEGNOSU O4 GON.. +8 342
#note taking out the most high scoring lane, even if it's somewhat marginal. I could also do SUB but that opens the door to her bingoing twice
>marcela: ADDE N2 DEAD +18 286
>jacks: ?BEEOSU O1 BE +15 357
>marcela: AV 3L AV. +14 300
>jacks: ?EORSSU G8 OEStRUS +64 421
>marcela: BCEILQZ 13F Q.IZ +32 332
>jacks: OY 2K YO +8 429
>jacks: (BCEL) +16 445
Player 2
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