Player 1 |
#player1 Richard Richard
#player2 Will Will
>Richard: AUY 8F AYU +12 12
>Will: IKMOTVV 7H MIKVOT +21 21
#note I played MIKVOT really fast, thinking it had to be right, but F4 MIKVA looks a bit safer defensively and Quackle prefers F5 VIVAT most of all for even better defense than MIKVA; the post VIVAT board really is awful.
>Richard: FILL 8L FILL +44 56
>Will: BEEGOSV 6G VEGO +26 47
>Richard: AHJ 7D HAJ +22 78
>Will: AABEEST O3 EATAB.ES +61 108
#note I should do TEASABLE to avoid putting an S out in the open, probably - marginal.
>Richard: AQ 5M QA. +12 90
>Will: HINOOST 8A TOHO +30 138
#note Considered INSOOTH/HEATABLES* before thinking better of it.
>Richard: EO 9C OE +15 105
>Will: EEILMNS M7 ..MELINES +78 216
>Richard: CERSW 15H SCREW. +45 150
>Will: EFINPRU N10 FINER +56 272
>Richard: AABY O13 BAY +32 182
>Will: DNOPRRU 10C PROUD +25 297
#note 10A RUND is better on defense, preventing any possibility of double-doubles that might go down on row 11 after PROUD and partially blocking the T in column A. PROUD nevertheless sims best, but I kinda like RUND.
>Richard: ADIOU 11G AUDIO +15 197
>Will: ACENNRR 12C CANNER +25 322
>Richard: OX 10I OX +53 250
>Will: DGIRTUZ 3K GRIZ. +30 352
#note I didn't love GRIZE but doing something to the E of EATABLES felt like a good idea...Quackle surprisingly prefers 3J TRUDGE, saving the Z and going for a massive blow with the blanks, I guess.
>Richard: AEINNRS 14B INSNARE +70 320
>Will: ?DETTUW B7 T.W +12 364
#note My play reduces Richard's bingo% to zero, so that's a nice attribute.
>Richard: ?GIILPT 13H GILT +12 332
>Will: ?DDEETU 2J DUET +16 380
#note Incorrect, I missed 15A DoUTED and was 99.9 percent sure of 2J DUED, the second best move. Though I didn't see DOUTED I did note that I needed to try and block Richard's play of N1 PIZzA.
>Richard: ?IP E4 PIt. +10 342
>Richard: (?DE) +6 348