Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Frank_Tangredi Frank Tangredi
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Frank_Tangredi: ANOV 8E NOVA +14 14
>Joshua_Sokol: ALOSTUW I2 OUTLAWS +73 73
>Frank_Tangredi: OW J6 WO +31 45
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EEIIIT -EIII +0 73
>Frank_Tangredi: AAADLOU K5 DANI +22 67
>Frank_Tangredi: AAADLOU -- -22 45
#note he meant to play RANID
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EHOOST K5 rESHOOT +98 171
>Frank_Tangredi: ADINR L10 DINAR +17 62
>Joshua_Sokol: AFLNORT M5 FRONTAL +69 240
#note DINAR on the other sidde for more would have blocked my bingos
>Frank_Tangredi: ACGILOT E2 LOCATI.G +72 134
>Joshua_Sokol: AEINQRU L1 QUIRE +53 293
#note blocking AEQUORIN. Sim likes QUIN(C)E here but I didn't like opening a 3x3 up by 160
>Frank_Tangredi: DIU 1L .UID +42 176
>Joshua_Sokol: AAHINXY 14J HY.AX +52 345
#note looked like he had a play at 14J or hooking DINAR so I played this instead of the more standard J1 AX not to open anything big.
>Frank_Tangredi: EJKU 15G JUKE +50 226
#note he had JE(R)KY for 70 so I guess HYRAX worked out a bit better for me than AX
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEILMN D9 ALIMENt +69 414
#note very disappointed that I couldn't find a 9 and that INtERM(ODA)L didn't fit. ALUMINE doubles a letter.
>Frank_Tangredi: OZ 13L .ZO +55 281
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEEIPV 13C V.EPEE +24 438
#note or EVI(t)E down low
>Frank_Tangredi: IMRTY 2A TRIM.Y +38 319
>Joshua_Sokol: ACDEIPR A1 E.IC +27 465
#note sucked but I had to win
>Frank_Tangredi: ADEEEGI 8K .I.GE +30 349
>Joshua_Sokol: ADENNPR 3K N.P +10 475
#note my pre-endgames usually suck when I'm tired, but they were also especially difficult this tournament, which is good. 11C P(I)NDER seems good, or 12H PAN which I considdered.
>Frank_Tangredi: BIS C2 .BIS +12 361
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEFNRT O4 FART.D +14 489
#note completely mistracked and thought there was an I instead of an A, probably tracked QUIRE as QUARE, thought I was blocking BESIEGED and BESIEGER but I was instead failing to block most bingos. He could still have DEGR(E)ASE at the very least but yeah, bad.
>Frank_Tangredi: BDEEGRS 11B BR.DGES +22 383
>Joshua_Sokol: AEN A10 NAE +16 505
>Joshua_Sokol: (E) +2 507
Player 2
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