Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Avery Avery
#player2 Darrell Darrell
>Avery: ADIKPUZ H8 ADZUKI +50 50
>Darrell: EOR 10H .ERO +15 15
>Avery: AEIIPRU 13C EURIP. +22 72
#note Not sure why not PIU.
>Darrell: Q F12 Q. +11 26
>Avery: ?ABIIVW K9 V.W +18 90
#note Darrell seemed like he was keeping well this whole time (given he played ZERO, which is somewhat aggressive), so I wanted to take out the higher scoring bingo lanes. Pretty weak still, WAB is fine.
>Darrell: AEELNRT G2 ENTERAL +61 87
>Avery: ?ABIIOP F1 OBIA +26 116
>Darrell: EGIIN E3 GENII +19 106
>Avery: ?AABIIP D4 PIA +26 142
>Darrell: MY H1 MY +29 135
>Avery: ?ABDEIO 8K ABODE +43 185
>Darrell: EFINRST I2 SNIFTER +74 209
>Avery: ?EEIOSW N8 .OWErIES +88 273
#note Almost didn't see this and settled on WEBISODE, but slowed down.
>Darrell: AFT 15L FA.T +33 242
>Avery: AHNNRRT M3 ANTHR. +20 293
#note Then I played too fast here. This plays at 1A for 19 more.
>Darrell: DGUY 4K DU.GY +28 270
>Avery: ?CGMNOR O1 ORG. +24 317
#note Did this over CORY or GORY to avoid giving back N2 JIG. I think I tunnel visioned on this spot and didn't see 12A CORM or GORM, which are definitely better to block the X bomb spot.
>Darrell: CDNOOTU L12 COO. +18 288
#note His rack.
>Avery: ?CELMNS D8 MEsCL.NS +80 397
#note Only bingo.
>Darrell: OUV 8A OVU. +27 315
>Avery: AEELLSX 14H SEX +47 444
>Darrell: ADHJNTT 15A HAD.T +27 342
>Avery: AEILL B8 .ILL +9 453
#note -3 to B6 LEV, but this is meant to block C7 JUT or JUN, his highest scoring J plays.
>Darrell: JNT 11G J.N +12 354
#note I wonder if he did this to be defensive since it doesn't take an S.
>Avery: AE N4 .AE +15 468
>Avery: (T) +2 470
Player 2
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