Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel Joel
#player2 Bill Bill
>Joel: HOP 8G POH +16 16
>Bill: CEERTVX 9C VERTEX +35 35
>Joel: LRUY E7 LU.RY +16 32
>Bill: ACHNOSU 10H OUCH +25 60
#note CAHOUNS doesn't look very familiar. I thought this didn't give much back, but forgot about OUCHT.
>Joel: BINR 6E BRIN +19 51
>Bill: AACELNS J2 ANLACES +76 136
>Bill: ADEEIIP (challenge) +5 141
#note Challenged POHS.
>Joel: ?GMNRST 2H SM.RTiNG +70 121
>Bill: ADEEIIP 1L IDEA +34 175
>Joel: EINV 1E VINE +27 148
>Bill: EGGILPU 5G GUL.G +19 194
#note Due to forgetting about OUCHT I thought row 3 was the only good lane on the board, but there wasn't a decent play that blocked it.
>Joel: MNOW D11 MOWN +25 173
>Bill: ADEIOPQ C12 POI +26 220
#note Just taking QIN didn't appeal to me too much, so I decided to be a little aggressive.
>Joel: AAENRTT L7 TARTANE +76 249
#note I held briefly, but had to admit that OUCHT was definitely a word and I had just forgotten about it.
>Bill: ADEEQTT 4H DE.ATE +29 249
#note Just taking QIN and keeping ADEETT didn't look great (actually the only 8 ADEETT draws on the entire board is the 61 point ATTENDEE through the N... with an S there's ESTATED at M9, which would be great, though I wouldn't be sure about OUCHTS). I saw QAT at B11 which would be insane. Didn't look at QAT at M6, which would open a new lane. But still, I'm fine with taking another shot at the Q bomb.
>Joel: ADE K10 .AED +25 274
>Bill: ABFIKQT B14 QI +46 295
>Joel: EJO 7C JO.E +21 295
>Bill: AABFKTW M13 FAB +30 325
#note Here's where it gets interesting. It's hard to avoid getting into danger here, but the B seemed the safest tile to put in the triple lane. The one decent play that doesn't give back anything new is ABAFT at D1, which I didn't see, but even then there's still the DELATE hook.
>Joel: OO D1 OO +12 307
>Bill: AEIKTWY N12 KIT +26 351
#note I saw WAITE for 44 but felt that this gave me the best chance to win even if he bingos, because it makes it less likely that he bingos here, and if he bingos in row 3 and I draw an R or D for WEARY/DEAWY I have a pretty good chance of pulling it out. The problem is that the R and D are really the only things I can draw to hit the triple ending in Y. I figured there were other things that I'd see if I drew them, but there pretty much aren't. This moves up decently on a many-ply sim, with a 67% win rate, but WAITE still leads at 77%. Specifying ES? for Joel doesn't make much difference, except of course that all percentages get depressed. Ultimately with his rack it didn't matter.
>Joel: ?EFIISS O9 FInISES +109 416
#note I did draw the D for DEAWY, but sadly he bingoed here. Challenged FINISES and DEFIS for good measure.
>Bill: ADEOUWY N6 YAWED +36 387
#note B10 YOU is the best play, threatening DEAW.
>Joel: ILRZ 3D RIZ +15 431
>Bill: OU O5 OU +7 394
>Bill: (L) +2 396
Player 2
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