Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Terry_Kang Terry Kang
>Terry_Kang: ?ACFISS I6 FASCISm +73 73
#note scarfish?!?
>JD: ACDDQVW 10F QAD. +34 54
>Terry_Kang: JO 7C JO +21 94
#note holy cow, didn't know FASCISMO/FASCISMI!!!
>JD: ACDNRVW J5 VAW +23 77
>Terry_Kang: EENOSTV 13D VENTOSE +75 169
#note down 100, need to inject some volatility.
>Terry_Kang: AIIN 15G INIA +15 184
>JD: DEEIMRU 11E DIME. +34 133
#note UREIDES would dump the U here.
>Terry_Kang: AHILORT L7 LOTHARI. +74 258
#note nice!
>JD: EEILPRU E3 PULIE. +26 159
#note also opens SJOE which is nice
>Terry_Kang: EHX 10L .EX +29 287
>JD: DEHIORZ 8K Z.OID +45 204
#note felt like ZOOID set up more useful bingo lanes for future Jesse.
>Terry_Kang: NY 14E NY +28 315
>JD: EEEGHKR 6D H.KE +29 233
>Terry_Kang: BE K11 BE +18 333
>JD: EEGRRTU 15A GURRE +24 257
#note this isn't a word. In hindsight, I'm not gonna hit an -ING bingo very often, so perhaps I can play RUG at D2 and threaten TRUG.
>Terry_Kang: EO 14B OE +10 343
>JD: ?AAEOTU O2 AUTOcA.E +59 316
>Terry_Kang: GNO D2 NOG +18 361
>JD: ADGIMPR N1 GAM +20 336
#note this is a really bad spot. anything I open, she can just block. Q suggests PIMA at 2L, but NOG guarantees she has the S, so she can just prioziter blocking the spot I just created. I was trying to set up -ING bingos, but I was also thinking that I should just fish a P and go for MRIDANGA at 2H, hoping that she doesn't think to block the A.
>Terry_Kang: AFLSU 1D SULFA +33 394
>JD: DEINPRW 2H WIPE +20 356
#note my play gives back an out - best is the obscure POPRIN for 22 which leaves no outs!
>Terry_Kang: ELY K1 E.LY +7 401
>Terry_Kang: (DNR) +8 409