Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sid Sid
#player2 Gibson Gibson
>Sid: EGNPRTT -GPT +0 0
#note Thrilled for the opportunity to play David again! I knew this game and a likely rematch next round would be super important, so I decided to not conserve energy, instead putting 110% effort into my decisions. Also, David generously gave me his racks, which is good for at least some insight on how someone can play so differently from everyone else yet remain so dominant.
>Gibson: ?ADIIRY 8F ARIDItY +78 78
>Sid: EINRSTT F3 INTRE.TS +62 62
#note I can only score 62 here, but this is the only play that doesn't put a dangerous tile in any x4 lane.
>Gibson: DMNOOTZ L4 DOOZ. +36 114
#note He said he liked this slightly over ZOOTY, possibly to hold a better leave and invite a board-closing overlap on the left side. Playing at this spot starts to wall me in better than something like ZOO(I)D or ZOOM(S).
>Sid: KLPQRVW 5K V.LK +22 84
#note Some people I talked to preferred VR(O)W. Didn't see it though, ouch.
>Gibson: DLMMNOT M3 MO.D +20 134
#note This is not a good rack! Some people were feeling sorry for me when they saw I had 7 consonants, but I brushed it off quickly. Plus, the fact that he can't do anything about VOLKS combined with me drawing AIO made things palatable. We all usually have our chance like this- very rarely does one get immediately blown out of the water by their opponent without a chance to recover, even against David.
>Sid: AIOPQRW 7H QI +27 111
>Gibson: LMNSTXY 4D LY.X +28 162
>Sid: AOPRRWW N2 WOR. +30 141
#note I suppose another reason MOLD was played was to invite this kind of play, inviting a big overlap that kills VOLKS. But here I felt I had no choice.
>Gibson: BHMNOST O1 HOB +36 198
#note Very interesting that he passed HOBS. I didn't ask him why.
>Sid: ALOPRRW 10F .PRAWL +19 160
#note Tough decision between this and PROWS. But I knew that PROWS was the kind of play that would simply feed into his hands, especially watching other people play him and make weakish openings. Here I felt comfortable knowing that there are ways to open the board, the deficit wasn't that big, and there chances to draw esses or other good tiles before I make an opening.
>Gibson: CEEMNST O5 SCENT +33 231
#note This play was amazing. After the game, he used a brilliant analogy on why he passed up (R)ECENT! I won't share that here.
>Sid: EEGINOR D3 E.OIGNER +60 220
#note Lucky! Somehow I'm only down 11.
>Gibson: AEEFJMT 8A JEA. +33 264
#note Big miss of RAMJET! But David can be forgiven- isn't it tiring playing so well ALL the time?
>Sid: AAEIIPU N7 PAUA +16 236
>Gibson: ABEEFMT C8 .MEBAE +35 299
>Sid: ?EEIIOT 5F .IE +12 248
#note I felt 11J OI was just going to be underlapped, or I may have pulled the trigger. I also wanted to avoid E duplication in the leave- especially since the E at C13 is valuable to me. Also going for a J bingo.
>Gibson: ACFLSST M9 CALFS +36 335
>Sid: ?AEEIOT L12 OE +16 264
>Gibson: DEGHIST 13B H.DGIEST +65 400
>Sid: ?AAEINT B1 AlIENAT. +68 332
>Gibson: INNORUU 1A N.IRU +18 418
#note Optimal multi-turn endgame on both sides from two players not really known for their endgames! Holy crap. He did spend 6 minutes or so making sure he didn't miss some out in two that also blocked my big plays.
>Sid: EFGTUV E11 VU.G +18 350
>Gibson: NOU A4 NU +8 426
#note Good math here. He correctly worked out that this was a point better than 14A NO.
>Sid: EFT 14I EFT +16 366
#note Interesting game! I thought I played pretty well, which is good and bad- bad because I don't do it consistently, and good because I can occasionally when I expend so much energy in a game. Should definitely not miss VR(O)W next time around.
>Sid: (O) +2 368
Player 2
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