Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Michael Michael
>Mack: AEHINNV H4 VAHINE +32 32
>Michael: IQ G7 QI +44 44
>Mack: ADGMNNS F8 DAMN +17 49
#note Liked this over 10D DAMNS since the S becomes so valuable after this play
>Michael: EEMNRS 5E REN.MES +36 80
>Mack: BGHINSX 6J XI +52 101
>Michael: EEJLW 6B JEWEL +39 119
>Mack: BDGHNOS C2 BONG.D +24 125
#note Don't like the DGNS leave after 7C HOB, way higher variance than SH after this
>Michael: DLOYY I9 DOYLY +23 142
>Mack: ?ACEHRS L6 SCHmEAR +90 215
>Michael: FOTU D1 TOFU +29 171
>Mack: ACEIOTW 11D WI.CE. +28 243
#note Didn't like plays like TWICE 1D or HOWE 8L since they increase Michael's bingo percentage so much. Could also so J10 WO which I considered but didn't feel like ACEIT was getting anywhere on this board so opted to go for turnover for the ?SSZ still unseen.
>Michael: EIP 12B PIE +20 191
>Mack: ADFNOTT 13A FANTOD +34 277
#note Didn't see a good reason to play TOFT here, turnvoer is way more important
>Michael: AEIIRST M8 AIRIEST +79 270
>Mack: AALRTTU 2A TA..UR +20 297
#note Didn't like 8L HAUT but missed N6 ULTRA, which doesn't give much back at all since it's very difficult to overlap with HATE. That definitely looks better as I don't want to be giving back row 1 here
>Michael: OU A13 .OU +18 288
>Mack: AKLSTVZ 4H .AV +26 323
#note The V seemed essential to get rid of here, and this leaves me decent flexibility if I draw a vowel and also saves J8 TSK for next turn at a minimum. I could do B10 KAPAS immediately, but LTVZ could become disastrous quickly and the S is also important to keep so that if Michael does bingo on column N I can get huge comebacks at O8 that will probably outrtun.
>Michael: ?AEEILR 1F AtELIER +73 361
>Mack: GKLNSTZ 8K T..NK +36 359
#note Took a very long time here, mostly considering THANK and THANG and a variety of setups like 8K GHAT/KHAT and 10K ZERK. The benefit of THANG is that it saves ZK for ZERK next turn, whereas the Z could prove a bit difficult to use after THANK. At the same time the 9 extra points from THANK seem really vital at this score, so it's very close. The problem with KHAT is that Michael will probably play down column N and force me to start with the S, and unless I draw SEZ which is fairly unlikely I probably won't have enough to win as he'll still be up a tempo while I have to find a way to unload the now-troublesome Z. GHAT, however, has a strong benefit that with any of the 3 remaining Os I draw ZONKS, which Michael might even leave open while trying to block with something like BOOT. Moreover, if he blocks with a word ending in T, an A/I/U draw gives me SL[AIU]NK for 69, which is probably enough to win even with the Z. He could also try to block with a 2 at 7N, but even these will often give be a big play back - UP, for instance, still gives back ZAPS/ZEPS/ZIPS for 70+ if I draw the needed tile. So I think GHAT is best - I was getting low on time and didn't quite appreciate how hard it was for him to block effectively and how much potential for scoring I had even if he blocked as best I could. Of course if I draw two consonants I'm probably sunk, but that's fairly unlikely with a 7/5 V/C ratio and him having just drawn 7 random tiles.
>Michael: IOOPRT N2 PORTIO. +22 383
>Mack: ABGGLSZ 3L BL.G +14 373
#note Only win, blocking both L1 ROUE and 4L EURO and miraculously he can't block O1 ZAG. His best sequence, which he found, falls just short and loses by 3. Next best is BOG in the same spot, losing by 1; the straightforward O1 ZAS loses by 6 after ROUE. I was pretty shocked I found this given I had only 2 minutes left, but I realized quickly that ZAS fell short and that any win, if it existed, had to block both his outs. Then there simply weren't too many plays to consider since I basically had to play through the O or R in PORTION, so I was able to find this and make sure he couldn't block just in time.
>Michael: EOU 7B O.E +18 401
>Mack: AGSZ O1 ZA. +43 416
>Michael: U A1 U. +6 407
>Michael: (GS) +6 413
Player 2
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