Player 1 |
#player1 Sue_Tremblay Sue Tremblay
#player2 Mina Mina
>Sue_Tremblay: AQT 8G QAT +24 24
>Mina: ?CEHIRR H4 HIER.RCh +66 66
>Mina: AEEINSV (challenge) +5 71
#note I didn't know many of the words in this rack -- didn't know the three available sevens CHIRREs, CHoRRIE, and RICHtER, all of which score more than the available eights. I literally spent over five minutes on this move in order to come up with something, and I was proud of my eventual find.
>Sue_Tremblay: DOOW G3 WOOD +22 46
>Mina: AEEINSV 3C NAVE. +22 93
#note As soon as I hit the clock for NAVEW, I wished that I'd played VINEW, since AES is a better leave than EIS. But I entirely missed the best moves: 9F VI(R)E for 24 leaving AENS, followed by 9E VAI(R)E for 25 leaving ENS. How do I learn to see these possibilities?!
>Sue_Tremblay: EILLMOU C1 LI.OLEUM +61 107
#note This was SUCH an impressive find on Sue's part. Alphabetizing her rack now, EILLMOU, I truly don't know that I could've found it.
>Mina: CEEFIRS 11G C.IEF +18 111
#note Ugh. Quackle strongly recommends playing off EF (B5 or 8A are the recommended spots) to keep the lovely leave of CEIRS intact. I was a fool to reduce my leave to ERS. How do I learn this lesson? "Look for longer leaves that have synergy"? I'll admit that part of me was freaking out about the back hook on HIERARCH and I just wanted to block it so that she wouldn't make a monster five-letter play there. But then I drew a Y on my next draw and kicked myself....
>Sue_Tremblay: EX B1 EX +38 145
>Mina: ADERSSY D8 YARDS +37 148
#note Holy god. My heart breaks to learn that I missed a 117-point triple-triple D(EL)AYERS, a common word. The next best plays were 8A AR(M)Y or YA(M)S, which I completely failed to consider. Again my huge mistake was to break up a great leave. Keeping a leave of ES isn't good enough when you can keep, say, ADERS by playing S(A)Y at D2 for 32, an option I absolutely didn't see. So I see two categories of mistake here, mistake of rack management and mistake of playfinding.
>Sue_Tremblay: MO 8A MO.. +33 178
>Sue_Tremblay: MO -- -33 145
>Mina: AAEEPSS 10J PEA +26 174
#note And why did I miss the best play here, which is 10H (C)APE, keeping the same leave but scoring FIVE MORE POINTS? Sigh, I don't know how to learn, I don't know how to improve.
>Sue_Tremblay: BEKO I3 BOKE +30 175
>Mina: AEGNNSS E3 .ANG +16 190
#note Again Quackle points out that EGNS or AEGNS is the leave to keep, and again I screw up on deciding which leave to keep.
>Sue_Tremblay: GHIMNOS M8 MOSHING +84 259
#note Whoa, didn't know GNOMISH!
>Mina: EENRRSS 14K ER.S +10 200
#note At least here I knew that ENRS was the leave to keep. However, I went about it wrong. The correct play was J6 RES for 25. I wouldn't even have thought of looking there, and that's why I scored only a pathetic ten points. Plays that make multiple short words are just so hard for me to see, and how can I improve?
>Sue_Tremblay: IZ 8M .IZ +42 301
>Mina: BENRSVY N7 V.NY +38 238
#note Decided to take a chance on PEASY* because this scored so highly.
>Sue_Tremblay: AIIN 15H INIA +14 315
>Mina: ?BEEORS 14B aEROBES +80 318
>Sue_Tremblay: DW 1A W..D +30 345
>Mina: DFINRTU 8A FU.. +36 354
>Sue_Tremblay: ALOOTTU A5 OUT.LOAT +62 407
>Sue_Tremblay: AEGT (challenge) +5 412
#note Sue makes another impressive find!! She deserved this win!
>Mina: DEINRTT J2 TI +8 362
#note Like an obsolescent sea god, I'm hanging out with a useless TRIDENT. I clumsily open a lane.ti
>Sue_Tremblay: AEGT 15A GATE +24 436
>Mina: DEJNPRT 12L J.RD +28 390
>Sue_Tremblay: AILU 13J ULA. +17 453
>Mina: ENPT K1 PENT +13 403
>Mina: (I) +2 405