Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Carl Carl
>Noah: AEEFPQR -EFQ +0 0
#note I set the EFQ to the right of the AEPR on my rack, clearly distinct, but didn't lay them down on the table, said "exchange 3", and hit my clock. Then I was like "oh, I guess I should put the tiles down". And did end up exchanging them. I'm not sure to what degree Carl noticed all this. Should I technically have passed here?
>Carl: CEHLOOT 8G COOLTH +30 30
>Noah: AELMPRU L8 .UMPER +26 26
#note This turn is more interesting than I had realized. UM/MU and HAULM are options. Given Carl's style, HUMPER seems like a mistake. I guess I should do UM (which actually appears to be the equity play anyway).
>Carl: EMFIRUV J6 VE.UM +24 54
#note Lots of options, but I miss the correct one: FILUM J6. REV is a much better leave than FIR. (-7)
>Noah: AAAEILY 13I ALA.Y +18 44
#note I didn't like how much MAYA opened. MAMEY, same deal, and I didn't like the leave after YEA. Sim seems to think ALARY and YEA are close.
>Carl: ?DEFIRS M3 REDFISh +85 139
#note FRIENDS is best. (-2)
>Noah: AEGGISW 14E SWAGGIE +81 125
>Carl: ?AOQRRZ 4L Z.RO +28 167
#note RAZORS E9 wins the sim. (-2)
>Noah: EEIIORT 15G TIE +24 149
#note Also considered RIOT.
>Carl: ?AEQRUW 13C QUA +26 193
#note AW 13F (-12)
>Noah: EEILNOR O3 L.ONIE +18 167
#note Seems fine??
>Carl: ?AELRUW B12 WAUL +27 220
#note I missed the bingo, but my play is close. (-3) ... Do you see the bingo? It's really tough!
>Noah: AEEENRY F12 YE. +23 190
#note Didn't think of EW until right after this play, but I didn't miss anything big on column A. This seems good.
>Carl: ?AENORS A6 pERSONA +77 297
#note SERrANO is best. (-1)
>Noah: ADEEKNR B1 KNEADER +83 273
#note N: Also considered NAKEDER, and was happier with what this gave back, but not sure I was right about that.
C: My game is full of holes. After SERRANO, Noah doesn't bingo, and I do. The punishment for even small mistakes can be very tough.
>Carl: BEIINOT 1A I.ON +27 324
#note I chose this over OI because the bag seemed consonant heavy. It is, but that doesn't justify IKON. (-1)
>Noah: AFIIORS 15A A.IF +33 306
>Carl: BBEINPT 4A B.BE +22 346
#note N: EBB 3B is best. It's right to sacrifice 8 points to go for a bingo and retain the valuable E. (-3)
C: Guess what else doesn't happen after SERRANO! This is good practice for Nationals. Builds character.
>Noah: IJORSTX B9 OX +52 358
#note I debated OXO / OX I8 for a little while at first.
>Carl: DHINPTV 7L T.P. +20 366
#note All the plays are garbage here but DIVOT H5 is slightly less garbagey. (-5)
>Noah: CIJORST C9 COR +26 384
#note So what else can I do here? I mostly thought about JET D3, COR / COT C9, and SOJU D10. Despite there being two Ts, the JR combo looked so bad that I opted to play COR instead of COT. The J looked generally bad here, which may point to playing it off with SOJU (playing it off with JET doesn't seem great to me). But is CIRT really better than JIST here? Probably not? I kind of want to throw up my hands here. I don't know what's best.
>Carl: DGHIINV 5D HIVING +31 397
#note Hey! I got the pre-endgame right. It's close between this HIVING and VYING 12E, but HIVING plays out first more. I see that Noah could have DJINN, but just have to hope that he doesn't.
>Noah: ADIJSTT H2 DJI.S +14 398
#note I thought this gave Carl only IDENT. Given the presence of TONED, I should just do JOIST, hoping Carl misses IDENT (Or still getting the best spread of any play, in the likely case that he doesn't)
>Carl: DENT I7 T.NED +18 415
>Carl: (TAT) +6 421
Player 2
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