Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Carl Carl
>Noah: ABILLNU 8D BULLA +20 20
>Carl: GGHIOQT E7 Q.OIT +28 28
#note I have many of Carl's actual racks for this game.
>Noah: EEFILNN F10 FEN +29 49
>Carl: GGJ H7 J.GG +13 41
>Noah: EIKLNTW 11E ..W +6 55
>Carl: OZ 9C ZO. +26 67
>Noah: CEIKLNT C9 .EK +16 71
#note This is worse than I thought, because of OK, as I realized soon after I played it. TIL is better than this. I think TIL is best, not sure though. Maybe this is somehow an exchange rack.
>Carl: AEHNRSS 13A HARNESS +79 146
>Noah: CILNRTT A12 C.IT +36 107
>Carl: AAEEHUV 15A .AU +3 149
>Noah: ADLNORT B10 DO +20 127
#note NORLAND gives back a lot, and TAU looks like a fish (though it wasn't).
>Carl: AEEHV 12F .AV +16 165
>Noah: ALNPPRT -PLN +0 127
#note I could also play along row 14, again giving back a lot. If I exchange, I want to keep the P or the T. PLANT / PALP sim a 2-4 points better on two-ply with no inferences, for what that's worth. my exchange sims best of the ones I simmed (PLP, PLPN, PN, PL)
>Carl: HU 14D UH +12 177
>Noah: AEIPRTV 14G PRIVATE +79 206
>Carl: ?EEINST N8 rETINES +92 269
>Noah: AEEFOOT 8K AFO.E +33 239
#note I wondered if FORE could be correct here.
>Carl: EPY 15F PYE +43 312
>Noah: DENORTU O4 DEUT.RON +67 306
>Carl: ?CEINOR K5 CRE.tION +86 398
>Noah: ABDGINR M11 GIB.D +32 338
>Carl: EX J9 EX +51 449
>Noah: AAEMNOR N2 ENORM +41 379
>Carl: IIMRSTW 2G MISWRIT. +71 520
#note I resigned.
#rack1 AADLLOY
Player 2
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