Player 1 |
#player1 Kirk Kirk
#player2 Avery Avery
>Kirk: BLO 8G LOB +10 10
>Avery: DEGGNNP H7 G.NG +6 6
#note NOGGED and PONGED give back front S hooks (he also seems to be less likely to know SNOGGED), while GONG and NOGG give back rear S hooks. I didn't like things like F6 PEG since 4 consonants don't fare well with a staircase-structure board. I probably made the wrong call here, but I'd rather keep the E for LOBE in case he doesn't play there. I should probably also be keeping a G for GLOB hooks. This does draw into -ING bingos on row 10 occasionally, but all things considered, PONG seems to be better.
>Kirk: EEJST 11D JETES +31 41
>Avery: DEINPST J4 DIPNETS +74 80
>Kirk: ADIQ K3 QADI +41 82
>Avery: AENOOXZ 12D OXO +49 129
>Kirk: BIR L2 RIB +33 115
>Avery: AAEFNVZ 13A FAZE +42 171
>Kirk: EW A13 .EW +27 142
>Avery: AENOUVY 14D YOU +22 193
#note Couldn't stomach ENOUV as a leave, and correctly chose this over 14C AY, despite it scoring 8 more points.
>Kirk: ATU 15F TAU +11 153
>Avery: ACELNRV 1H VAREC +50 243
>Kirk: AO I8 .OA +14 167
>Avery: EEHLNNR K10 HERN +22 265
#note Gets rid of columns K and L as bingo lanes, as well as row 14.
>Kirk: ?AFGILN F2 FAiLING +78 245
>Avery: DEILNOT 4A TOLID.NE +70 335
#note Thank goodness he didn't make the blank an L.
>Kirk: IKS A1 SKI. +24 269
>Avery: AADENTY B2 AT.NY +46 381
>Kirk: MMO A6 MOM +28 297
>Avery: AADEETU J12 EAU +9 390
>Kirk: CIOP L6 PICO +18 315
>Kirk: CIOP -- -18 297
>Avery: ADEHLRT B10 HAD.L +38 428
#note PICO tells me he doesn't have the blank and maybe not even the S, so I should probably do THREAD instead to go for it. I have the case A.
>Kirk: CIOP - +0 297
#note Challenged HADAL
>Avery: EERSTUW L11 WE +21 449
#note He also probably didn't keep the V after PICO*, so STUIVER is likely.
>Kirk: CIOP C4 .OCI +19 316
>Avery: EIRSTUV M4 STUIVER +69 518
#note I was right that he didn't have the blank with he last rack (he drew it after LOCI), but got lucky anyway.
>Avery: (?EIPRR) +14 532